Dec 30, 2010


HAHAHH. the face of my lappy, doesn't it looks cool? ilovethem. love their musics as well.

alright, quite a tired day for today too. went out again with friends this afternoon, after chuanjie fetching tauwee from psm. and you know what, tauwee kept describe how he had his driving test, but initially he said PLEASE DON'T TELL OTHERS, but once his phone rang, and he kept describe how was the situation, we were like SWEAT to be on the spot.

after back from yc with them, got a lot of works to do too. and it made me fatigued like now.

p/s: thanks mommy for cleaning up my room and she shifted my furniture and now my room is now looks MUCH MORE BIGGER. you're my super mommy!

saw her again. i was like fuckyou. always don't feel like seeing her but she keeps appears in front of me, and even....... really fed up.

annyeonghii people.

Dec 29, 2010

HAHAHAHAH. i have no idea, suddenly in love with him, and keep searching his pic. MY NEW MAN!!

iloveyouiloveyou. siao girl i am. Gathering with my lovely girl friends at secret recipe today, felt extra euphoric to see them!! but while on the way back, saw someone i don't feel like seeing her in my entire of life anymore. and SHE was definitely spoiled my mood! i have told you, once i hate you, and i'll hate you for ... ever!

p/s: I WANT THAT ALBUM like, BADLY!! and i'll wait for you. ♥‌

i am EXTRA TIRED now.
annyeonghii people.

Dec 27, 2010


这几天都一只猫在电脑前面.... 打game! 最近发现自己的坏习惯频频出现,就是一去到哪里都盘脚坐,餐厅也是这样。结果? 就一直被书桌抽屉的角刮到,膝盖有几到疤痕了.. 妈咪还以为我被什么动物爪到,真的是!

有烦到咯!! 都不懂要去哪间工作,一下跟我讲这里,一下那里,然后自己有找到了,又不要跟我一起了。是酱的话当初就不要叫我啦.. 一直动摇我,最后放弃我.. T.T

哈哈哈!! 这就是那位囧先生送我的圣诞礼物!! 有兴奋到咯,又紧张。里面是专门给手机及相机用的lens, 小小个,超可爱!! 他还一下子买完12个。昨天就试试看了,粘一个在手机拍照的地方,然后一拍,就会有那个lens的effect。

圣诞节晚上''二哥''打电话来给我叻.. 吓到!! 迟疑了一下才听,然后聊10分钟有多。聊聊聊学业,读什么读什么。他很厉害下的咯,hotel management一毕业,新加坡的Marina Bay就请他,一请就当supervisor, 薪水一个月RM6000!! 所以他说他有足够的钱帮我付hotel的费用!! 哇........

我想最后的归宿还是在老爸的店。工钱虽然没有那么多,省下就是了。而且爽爽可以ponteng一天, 可能太累了。哈哈哈!

p/s: 约了我竟然最后没有车出........... 啊!! T.T 又要等。

annyeonghii people!

Dec 25, 2010


my first ever LONELY CHRISTMAS. really.... boring.

daddy changed his mind in a sudden, and it caused that i could not celebrate with my lovely friends, i did promised them, but i broke my promise. i wonder why couldn't i go to celebrate with my friends since my exam had over!! I HAVEN'T DONE MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!! T.T

went to ECm alone, feel like meeting the lembu up but he was watching movie so i kept walk alone. yet met lucas up, and he kept ajak me to sushi king with a brunch of his friends. saye ni paiseh. LOL!! then i followed him to car park and he took the present for me. i wonder what was that since it is quite heavy. THANKS JIONG! LOL still i have to take time and cope with the toys he gave me, lovely!

around 9pm, started to receive christmas wishes, sounds like birthday. HAHAHAHH. received yeehen's wishes, leng mek, saved your number, no worries! HAHAHAH. and then wishes from yingying all the way from SG, enjoy your journey! of course, my new god bro from SG sent the wishes too, thanks!! 11pm something, followed parents to go for supper, and countdown at the mamak store. LOL!!

received his call around 9, he thought i was in kmn and feel like fetching me out, but too bad i was in kuantan, wait for me! LOL somemore, BFF!! balik cepat, but drive safe. no worries i'll wait for you guys. ;))

boring but.... erm not bad christmas. zz

annyeonghii people.

Dec 23, 2010



嘻嘻嘻嘻,叶健伟先生,原来你也好不到哪里去,结果竟然跟我一模一样!! 亏你啦真的!! 还有,你真的空闲那我们去新加坡还不? 我们住Marina Bay!! 有人竟然说要帮我付完hotel钱... 他疯了!!

女儿: 妈咪,我该叫这位姐姐什么?
她妈咪: 她妈咪是我表姐,那.. 她是你表姨。
女儿: 噢! 表姨姐姐。
我: (处于无言状态) 啊..... 表姨啊?
女儿: 对啊...

哇!! 顿时觉得我自己好老!! 竟然是人家的表姨!! vivience啊... 你叫我凯琳姐姐就好了真的.. 比较亲切! 哈哈。

咦.. 听说我好像有圣诞礼物收,哈哈!! 不过我真的好想去跟他们一起倒数叻.. 考试好不容易结束,那么辛苦换来的只是寂寞!! 他们男生去完kayL... 我们女生怎么可能输给他们?!! 拜五下关丹!! 看电影!!

p/s: 哈哈哈!! 找到工作了,大概是跟... 则涵,慧妮一起。一天RM30, 还不错吧? :))

我的毛病又来了!! 我都不敢告诉妈咪真的! =='' 早上睁开眼睛,已经感觉到我的左脚的膝盖好像缺乏energy酱,就想动两下,感觉又好了点。结果一起床,双脚着地,再站立,如果你在现场你真的会吓到,我整个人竟然倒了下去,我的脚竟然没有知觉。我恍住了3秒,再拍拍我的脚,就能站起来了。上次在人家的店也是这样,整个人坐了下去,脚一点知觉也没有,幸好没有人看见,我会不敢面对你们...........................

anyeonghii people.

Dec 22, 2010


FINALLY. i have returned all the books, and my desk looks more tidy already! bought some book file from shop for keeping my files for sure! LOL there is another bookcase beside my desk, ohh and i need to clean that too, TOO MUCH OF MAGAZINES!! feel like rotate the bookcase so it will be taller because the top of the bookcase, i put my face's stuff and hair's stuff since i don't have a desk-with-mirror, so i have to separate it.

I WAS LIKE OMG. suddenly got a god brother again! HAHAHAHH. i don't know why he calls me to be his god sister, maybe i am eager to have bros and he too wishes for the same thing! since i have a good one right now, so proud already! HAHAHAHAHH. (maybe when the good one sees this he will smile himself? LOL!!)

ARGHHHH. some peoples promised BRING ME TO YAMCHA after my exam ended!! i am always waiting... waiting.. and waiting... especially........ HAHAHAHAHHH!! lalalalal :))

p/s: helped mom for making the TANG YUAN. :))

annyeonghii people!

Dec 20, 2010



BFF今早非一般的准时,害我都还没有完全准备好。然后我们就三个去爱美姐那里吃面去,万祥!!你跟爱美姐什么关系?? zomok不用付钱??!! 然后就一直聊聊聊去kayL的事,哈哈哈! 爽~

economi还好,也不是很会的那种,4点结束,我们3点就出来了。然后我们几个就去kuala吃东西,再去海边癫!!! 哇........ 整个人,是松到一种程度。在海边有拍到照片咯,不过是有废几下的啦,等莹上载吧!! ;))

1.45pm. 楼梯。
妈: 我顶你不顺..
我: 谢谢!! 哈哈哈哈~
我们的block, 看下去的环境。
我........... 开始想念学校了。
我们.. 真的毕业了。
箱子做啥? 收拾桌上的垃圾..

昨天被一粒lemon(家豪)弄到我紧张到死,虽然讲你是前辈,过来人,可是也不要酱子吓我嘛。我不读那科,其他的真的没有那么大信心了,难道我读到一半又换系咩.. 我妈不是印钞票的。LOL 可是还是谢谢你给我的意见,现在极度需要收集意见!! :))


annyeonghii people!

Dec 19, 2010


i really have nothing to do. since i said i am gonna clean my room, so everything started of packing my TEXTBOOKS. phuuuuuuu, really not willing to pack, i care them very much even though i don't really read them. LOL

double check, if not have to pay for replacement. zzz
after packing, i found this pasting on my desk. i tried to recall why did i wrote this.
reason: a reminder which to remind me NOT to fall in love with the boy, i succeed. but the boy failed. HAHAHAHHAHH. well, we are still friend.

p/s: had a nice chat with someone until 2.30am! AHAHAH. totally lame. LOL

hohhh, i am headache, real headache. i searched the information, but i realize i am afraid to face it.

annyeonghii people.

Dec 18, 2010


feel like having a spring clean of my room since i could not really withstand the messy-ness.

NEED HELP BADLY. well, rely on myself. i SWEAR, after cleaning up, my desk will not have BOOKS anymore, except my novels and comics. HAHAHAHAHHHH. and a suitable place for my lappy. (my lappy is now or maybe, ALWAYS surrounded by BOOKS, messy, enough for that!)

annyeonghii people.

Dec 17, 2010


本来跟很氏家人看电影的,谁知道全部没有下.. 所以赶快叫我的BFF back up下。嘻嘻,最后真的是好BFF!! 在等他们的时候............. 有个大便人sms我说他也是看tron legacy, 想串我,哈!! 刚好那时陪妈咪在carrefour买东西,在我发现过后想回,超好笑。我们竟然差身而过,可能第一次碰面啦,还不肯定是不是对方,然后明明就在同一个地方,还问在哪里。

''eh, where are u la.... ''
'' very cold very cold there lor... ''
'' frozen area? hahahah ''
'' hehehehe, ya.. u? ''
'' same............ =='' ''

''hehehehhehhehehe, white shirt? ''
'' hehhehehehehe orange shirt? ''
'' '' female? ''
'' zzzzz male? ''

过后走走下,一粒电话没有钱了,打不到给BBF,他又问我为什么不回,就显了。赶快去进016的钱,那么刚好走到一半又看到他,然后就直接讲话了。哈哈!! 然后好像玩跟踪酱,去到哪里有看到他,衣服颜色又酱sharp, 远远就看到了,真的是啊。过后去MBS又看到他,他妹有可爱到咯,哈!! 然后就一直聊聊聊........ 在戏院前面等BBF,迟到!!! 然后又看到他,就陪我等两下,可是我推他进去,哈哈哈哈!! BBF迟到,弄到我尴尬咯.. 一个女生.. 等两个男的.. 好意思啊你们!!

p/s: TRON LEGACY......... 哦给看而已。嘻嘻~ 兜兜转转,终于都遇到那位大便人了.. 他讲遇到就请吃,哈哈哈!!

annyeonghii people!

Dec 16, 2010

蛤? 做莫?

每一次!! 每一次他们回来,就是带一堆高科技的东西来孝敬我,我说你们还真好! =='' 这次是啥? apple MacBook + apple Iphone... 是怎样?引诱我就是了。==''

不会用的感觉。=='' 有待摸索。
放心,妈咪点头!! 哈,你惨了。
嘻嘻嘻! 老弟,made in London的 Howard仔,和我!
你!! 其实我对你的欲望还好罢了,哈!!

有种冲动,突然很想分享自己的东西,可是不懂要如何开始。所以......... 就这样啦!!

p/s: 妈咪,你讲要出国,不要骗我please..... :))

annyeonghii people!



死鬼BFF, 讲好早上我们去考华语之前去吃早餐,结果.... call 爆了啦差不多,都还没有接。另一个很好,我一打就接,最后还是叫我放弃。气到我... 晚上喝完茶讲好我不是开玩笑了的嘛.. 真的是啊!! 昨晚和刚才都被唠去麦叔叔,都几点了,早点叫我肯定跟你们去!!

啊对了,妈咪给跟BFFkayL啦,疯死我,还等什么?疯狂购物了啦!! 我忍到我快暴毙了。

p/s: 有时候,真的忍到很辛苦。

annyeonghii people!

Dec 14, 2010

what if...


ARGHHH. i don't know whether is my HIGH HEELS back to home safely. I MISS HER. i swear if the hotel's worker bring it back home, i will curse them!! everyone keeps ask me to buy for a new one, even mommy! i don't want to do so since i really in love with it. please la....

SPM!! left one more subject! others finished today. while we were still answering our essay, we heard tauwee shout '' 考完了!! '' , and we were like WTF. HAHAHAHH. well, i am like planning what to do after the fucking economi ended. i might following BBF to kayL on 23th, BBF driving la, you know what? i am their human GPS. HAHAHAHH.

somemore BBF said '' after economi we telek go down to kuantan. '' i wonder so i asked why, and he said '' DYE HAIR LA!! '' i was like...... sweat. i don't need that fast la.. LOL

enjoying kpop songs again.
annyeonghii people!

Dec 12, 2010


hmm, feel like a bit sad since everything had over, because we all did worked hard for it. but, there was still regrets for yesterday wedding dinner night. some arrangement went wrong and 2 important people as well as the eldership did not have their proper seat, we all knew that both of them got mad but they still pretended nothing even though the groom went to apologize since they knew that was a big day for the groom and the bride. mom, aunt, granny as well as the groom cried because of it, but now is no more to blame whose wrong but..... i have no idea since i am not their generation. i just don't feel like seeing people sad.... i could not withstand the feel too.

alright! lets cheer up. lets part of the pics tell you the story..........

the grand ball room.
i am the receptionist. lalalalalal.
idea from the groom. LOL
dear xuanxuan with his dad. LOL
our little chicky monkey. Howard. will miss you!
see you in London next year maybe? :DD
cousins. and 2 BIG CHILDREN behind. LOL
love them. my bodyguards yet bf. xDD
argh. stalker!
with the bride's sis. shes friendly but not like the another one.
bride's bro. AH TATT. lalalala 92 gang. :DD
bride's best GF. i love her though... :))
shes using a Chanel bag btw. admire..... LOL
with cousin yishia. :D
guess how old is her? :p
with cousin Joanne. <3<3>
Joannes stalker. LOL
huahuahuahua. i am damn proud. LOL
4 gold flowers? HAHAHAHHH.
3 flowers then. LOL

so there are the Dinner's photo. for more? kindly access to my fb. i used a lot of time to resize and everything. no doubt, thats my job. how i hope everything paid off.

p/s: i left my HIGH HEELS after the dinner at the cocktail's area. hope the call from the groom later brings GOOD NEWS please. i don't wanna buy for a new one since i LOVE that one very much. the hotel's workers asked the groom how is the HIGH HEELS look like, I WONDER the worker.. I CAN EVEN REMEMBER THE PRICE, AND WHERE IS THE PRICE STICKED AT! do you think you can still keep for yourself? please, return it to me.

annyeonghii people.

Dec 7, 2010


HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHH. feel like laughing, out loud. from now on i realize i could not withstand the feeling. seriously, I HATE THE FEELING. how can ______ act like that? not only the feeling i hate, and ___ too! i always thought we can be ______ again, but so sorry i don't feel like being ______ with ___ anymore! always thought that ______ is the best, or __ can do whatever people request, actually ___ ARE NOTHING!!


annyeonghii people.


hooray!! i have an awesome break. never thought Penang is that fun, or maybe i was going with my family and relatives, since our relationship maintained very well. :))

c'mon, lets some of the pic continue the story...

pic copied from Joanne sis. :)) all the gorgeous food!!

i love this pic. The groom and the bride. :))
yeppi, ah Nickh gorgor, ah Jane jiejie, and a lenglui at the very right hand side. HAHH.
with my lovely ah Jane jiejie. we could not meet in ktn this sat, HOW SOB!
tadaaaaa, another 92gang! HAHAHH. hes funny enough. take plenty of pic again this coming SAT! see you dude! :DD

Another Wedding Dinner this coming Saturday. as usual, i am going to in charge for all the red packets which giving by the guests when they approached, and the guests registration. since the groom said all the girls with HIGH HEELS are not allowed to stand as well as bringing the guests into the hall but all these jobs are belongs to men and boys. HAHAHH :)) p/s: my dress is in a READY condition!! new dress* new dress* lalalala.

p/s: very very looking forward to it.

annyeonghii people!

Dec 5, 2010

Quick update.

lailailailai. i am damn rushing now... current location: Butterworth, Penang.

stay in a very simple hotel and the WIFI is fucking bad and could not function well. so i am now in my aunt's house for their wedding party. tell you what, they rear pigs, so here are a lot of the smells and sometime it smells damn BAD. but well, since we stayed here for almost few hours, and we went to the place where all the pigs LIVE, so the smells at their living room is kind of NOTHING already.

but i can't really withstand the smells and i always wanted to vomit once i take a breathe. LOL

so thats it.

annyeonghii people! :))

Dec 1, 2010

one more.

kayL kayL kayL kayL. HAHAHH. totally love this synonym invented by me. i.... am going to kayL again lar... as my name is KL also. lalalala craps!

currently real busy with exam, allow me please. BYE BYE ADD MATHS. damn it, totally got mad while answering, i could not deal with it, so just let it be. besides, DO NOT deem as that why did i need to give up so easily. DO NOT simply decide for me, because i don't like people force me to do whatever i DON'T LIKE. get it? well, people have their own principles sometime.

just one more, just one more! we would be enjoying our first 1 week of break. oh, but my plan is extremely pack. i will miss out few of my friend's birthday celebration too, sob! but........... guys, NO WORRIES k? i will try my best to shop something for few of you, because i will be at outstation in the week. lalalalla. i am a SHOPAHOLIC!! :DD

gonna KO my science. cikgu hayati ask us to get A! i wonder.. :))


annyeonghii people!

Nov 29, 2010


it betrayed me in a sudden while i am sitting for my maths paper!! ........................ my shake shake's pencil! waa, wasted my time to get it fixed, it drove me mad and i was feeling like throwing it away! after i done everything and i realized there was still minutes to go, so i tried to fix it, finally. but it was too late, too late.

SO HARD TO GIVE SIGNAL to my friend! HAHAHHH. felt like the invigilator kept looking at me, eh please lar.. lalalala :))

36 nilai moral..... i am gonna... KO all of you. and please self service for finding a place in my brain, live inside for 1 day is pretty enough! then i will let you all go, as far as you can!

HAHH. low quality! bear with it, i am getting crazy since i have studied so much! :D

anyeonghiii people!!

Nov 28, 2010


请.. 允许我大笑!! SPM国语没有泄题!! 考生是不需要重考的!! 哇........ 你真的不知道.. 当我收到阿嘉的短讯时.. 整个人是松到......... 国语及格的机会又回升啦.. :)) 感谢主! 哈哈~

今天又跑去则涵家哈啦,啊不是啦,是做数学,明天考数学呐!! 今天有几位一校的朋友加入我们,大概三点,饿了!! 就女生挤一辆车,到kmn station去。最幸运的是什么....... 吃到要完的时候,我们一位朋友的亲戚帮我们付钱了呐... 莹还说,早知道叫多点,哈哈!!

今天一直做straight line equation, 可是芷萱又看什么林仔仔.. 什么奈吉的照片,显!! 帅到我没有力... 就一直被吸引着了.. 则涵就一直说 ''喂.. 快点做啦.. '' 还有剑雄 ''喂.. 不要给她看了.. 等她做完先.. '' 我一头汗.. 一直就是被吸引... 帅哥嘛!! :)) 啊不然我时不时就一直大笑.. 都是健能害的.. 问matrix怎样做,他就一直说.....

''来,给我看两lin.. (小朋友不要学,哈!!) ''
''哇.. 又两lin.. ==''
''来,我教你很容易的方法.. ''
''不要看他教的啦.. 复杂到死.. ''
''我送你一个字.. 烂!! 什么方法,我一点都不明白.. ==''
''烂??!! 诶,灿烂的灿怎样写.. ?''
'' 我写给你啦.. 灿!! ==''
''哦,你看.. 灿烂的方法.. ''


由于今天做了很多,就让我休息一下啦。哈哈!! 我..... 想..... ___ ____ 啦!! :DD

Nov 25, 2010

war day 3.

sejarah? 喷血的东西,不屑!! x))


哈!! 今天紧张怎样写其实我不知道,很串叻。哈哈!! 还好啦.. 可是去到学校,发现她们个个都在背sejarah.. 是有自卑,而且那个芷萱,讲''我放弃啦''少少次,可是就是一直看到她回答人家问的sejarah问题.. 给她气到。然后她们讲什么,我就听一下咯.. 再翻书.. 背两下。

可是偏偏他们+我背的通通没有出,有怪懒到咯!! 不过苦了他们读到两点的... 我们最后才来背,没有那么生气。哈哈哈!!

paper 1.. 指定用具!! ................................ 蛤?zomok? tembak咯!! :)) 想剩下子弹都难,哎... 子弹这排起价.. 很贵,为了tembak我买了四十粒,结果用完.. JIA LAT!!

paper 2.. 之前讲好要早出.. 所以故事是这样的。10点开始考试,其实我只花了30分钟去思考,但前30分钟是不能出去,所以我先睡一会儿..................... 突然听到很吵的椅子声.. 原来圣豪的锦洋出去了.... 然后则涵直接看着我,小声跟我讲 '' 走咯,出咯。'' 我傻掉! 过后大概11点酱.. 顶不顺了.. ''则涵!! 走...... '' 过后答应芷萱讲要出就叫她... 所以... ''芷萱,走咯!'' 哈哈哈哈!! 一出到去... 隔壁班川雄他们.. 比我们早出.. 剩道伟在里面.. 他要爱。哈哈!!

昨天发现的绳子,我敢敢死问考官去了,她说不会有事因为他们事后会再double check, 会跟我绑回。哇.. 当场整个人松掉,所以才喊他们出。哈哈!!

p/s: 你终于都醒了。最好没有辜负我对你的一片好心,还表扬我,谢啦!! 可是你还是得请我吃!! 啦啦啦啦啦~

Nov 24, 2010

war day 2.

还没有交是偷偷拍的!! @@ 因为拿不回的啦....


哇唠!!! 英文叻.. 紧张死我了咯.. 臭峻嘉,我不是很懂做咯真的!! 你的tips也害到我白读几下.. 忘记sms轰你了。哈哈!! 写作文时突然那个考官走来要我不要转过头,要爱!! 你在后面讲话那么大声,我转头是自然反应啦!! 又没有要看答案的意思啦.. ==''

诶,惨!! 做完后再思考原来都几容易一下,可是希望不要遇到''怪懒''的改官啦.. 保佑保佑!! 这轮的监考官也很好一下.. 看到我们做错一点.. 就指下跟我们讲哪里错.. 然后她又喜欢走来走去.. 可是抱歉啦.. 我背叛她了。因为我趁她背对我时... send1到15题的答案给圣豪.. 哈哈哈!! 知道他久等了.. send完后我就埋头苦干.. 最后才发现他又send要the pearl的答案.. 竟然没有看到!! 抱歉啦~~

死火,今早一进考场时发现我的桌上有一条绳子,才想起昨天bm paper 2没有绑到!! 死 99 了咯!!! 不懂会不会有事... 想跟监考官讲可是又不敢.. 一粒他们cook我不是死? ==''

考完1pm左右,全部好像spm最后一天酱.. 一大班一起去A&W吃东西,哈哈!! 爽~ 还以为某人又出去wet了.. 因为看不到我的dream car, 原来他讲他习惯骑脚车的.. 随便咯!! ~~~

Nov 23, 2010

war day 1.


today's 超级白痴对白。
洋: 你觉得你会及格吗?
涵: (处于过于自信的状态之下) 及格??!! 分分钟拿A啦!!
全部: 也未免爱过龙了吧? :))

today's 本人的状态。
超级无敌大紧张!! 当我拿到考卷的时候,我的双手在抖!! 我想我完了~
afternoon's 本人的状态。
慢慢舒缓了紧张的情绪,而且考官途中找周公去了!! 什么?!? 还不是机会问下什么意思??!! x))

Nov 21, 2010





我... 压力死了。也请不要告诉我找方法解压,我找到的话,我就是神了。所以,! 我,很累,很累,真的很。即使我什么都没有做到,还是很累。我知道我是累的,可是我睡不下。这种感觉,非常难受


Nov 20, 2010


yeayeayea! i am home i am home! harvested....... okay, lets considered as.. OKAY. HAHHH :)) oh, i saw the japanese shopping store named UNIQLO beside of kayL plaza, i stood in front of the shop and i kept observed those who went into it. but too bad i didn't feel like stepping into it, yea you know. so i continued headed to my destination - pavilion. lalalalala.

but MOSTLY i fall in love with the bag la wehhhh :)) you get it, you must get it! HUAHUAHUA.

okay, no longer staying here. just done my hair treatment btw :))

annyeonghii people.

short update.

alrightt, i am in kayL right now :)) and is staying in front of a desktop, i didn't bring along my lappy because i guess i will addicted to it and don't even wanna do some revision. i thought i would just do some window shopping since i know i have no more money but....... ended up, SHOPPING, too!

i've got my second bag!! yuhooooooooo, thanks mommy!! i thought she would only buy me a longchamp, lanser or whatever, but ended up buying me this. this isn't that cheap k? hmm~

something made me happy was... i managed to meet dear yunyee up at klcc :)) we had some talk while heading to the biggest book store but you know what, the book store do not sell any work book like for SPM or what, oh damn disappointed. then we headed to a penang's cuisine restaurant to have our dinner but she just ordered a bowl of cendol. OH! we took photos for sure! HAHHHH.

after yunyee said that she has to go to pavilion to do peili a flavor so we just said goodbye to each other. MEET YOU AFTER MY EXAM babee :))

finally there was her to accompany me! :))

OH, tomorrow is my last day!
annyeonghii people.

Nov 16, 2010


alright, feel like doing something secretly. YES, it will be a secret until i publish it. :))

so i think, NO. i am sure this is the last time i co-operate with my lappy for this secretly stuff after the annoying SPM ended. since i have NO-MORE-TIME, but still insist to go down to kayL, err.. i think just have some walk to relax myself as well. because i have no more $$ to do shopping, or maybe i can bring my books to the book store? HAHAHHH.

p/s: stay tunned people.

annyeonghii people. :))

Nov 15, 2010


please stop ________ around. feel like damn ________ you know? if you guys wish to _____, kindly refer to me but not keep _______ _______ me!

ish ish ish!! especially ___!

signing off to bed.
annyeonghii people.

Nov 14, 2010


今天去学校,上了2节马来文,下来我们就哈啦了几节。今早想在钱包拿零用钱是发现钱包不见了!! 我的妈呀!! 有点不敢告诉咪因为费事她又我。可是还是告诉她了,找到我快发狂了,就想说会不会星期五从mushroom garden回来时掉在韵柔车里,就sms过去了。谁知道她没有带手机,就用我的sms给她妈,幸亏!! 因为本人的身份证在里面呐... 不然我就变偷渡客了!! 哈哈哈哈~

惠权早上拿了一张纸给我写感言,才发现原来他超有心思的把他和每个人合照的照片再做edit, 然后洗出来,粘在相簿里,在把我们写的感言粘进去。哇噻,超可爱的,我的感言纸就贴在其中一页,命名为 '' Me & Khai Leng '' 的那页。:))


莹: 我们坐下来要找下作弊的方法了!!
我: 哈哈哈!! 来来test看,则涵!! 第三题...
涵: (假装咳嗽... 再指答案....) 哈哈哈!!
我: 小声... 哦给!!

豪: 哇唠!! 我要换名字啦!! 我坐离你们酱远.........................
钰: YES!! 坐你们旁边,有人照应了!! 哈哈哈哈~

突然发现............ 锦洋坐我旁边!!! 我... 的... 妈.. 呀!!!!! 哇唠,真的不想在考试时跟你吵架咯.. 显!! 奇怪的喔真的.. 算了,我睁一只眼,逼一只眼,你可不要一直出声让我zhat你,惹架吵! 啦啦啦啦啦~~

p/s: 明天jamuan akhir tahun sekolah!! 拍照时间又到啦... :)) 还要拿slip perperiksaan!! 不能缺席!!

signing off to bath.
annyeonghii people! :))

Nov 13, 2010



当你吃面包的时候,你并不需要知道做面包的是谁。哈哈!! 明白个中含义?x))

刚刚我发现了一件非常够力的事。然后我好想对我自己说..... ''拽子!! 你以为自己很厉害??!! 麻烦你碰下数学作业!!'' 过后,我就拿我的数学书出来... 结果!! 我竟然忘记怎样做了!! @#$%^&*(&^%$#

很好,下午读读下觉得很累,跑去睡觉了。结果醒来,我头痛到不懂如何形容,但我说我的lappy请不要在我头痛时来引诱我!! 真的还在头痛.... 幸亏阿姐取消了.. 就能休息多一会.. 但我还想继续昨晚的冲劲啊!! :))

p/s: 每当我张开我的手掌,我就很讨厌讨厌,劲讨厌!!

annyeonghii people! HAHHH.

it is quite accurate indeed.



沙加 完美是处女们的魔咒 处女们是上帝创造的谦虚认真的典范。他们凡事都认真较劲,对完美的追求无以复加,有时候甚至会因此而着魔疯狂。 其实追求完美是一般人的自我完善过程,也许每个人都会觉得,其实我也很追求完美啊!但是,常人的追求完美的心态同处处相比,程度差异还是比较大的。 旁人很难想象处女座对完美追求的程度。 而事实上,有许多完美的境界也确实很难达到,所以这让处女们显得郁郁寡欢。即使在旁人眼中的她或他已经相当完美,但是在处处们的眼中,自己与自己的标准依然相去甚远。 所以他们对人总是谦虚的,低调的,他们对所作的一切总是精益求精的,不能允许些许的疏忽。因为他们深深觉得,自己离自己的目标永远都那么远,所以再怎么厉害的处女都显得谦虚。

许多人在跟处处恋爱后都会面临进退两难的窘境,因为他们会突然发现无论他们怎么表达爱,处处们仍然觉得他们不可靠。 这也许是因为处女善于对心爱的人挑剔。 在这里要先说明一下,彬彬有礼的处处对一般人都非常友好,从不随意挑剔别人,但是对心爱的人,他们的标准却完全不同。不信,处处可以扪心自问。 在正式恋爱后,处处们会一改一开始同他们相处的甜蜜浪漫,而开始逐渐变得神经质,碎碎唸……他们开始挑剔爱人的审美品位,并且对爱人的举动都感到不满或者不够,更开始对爱人的一切举动都充满怀疑,他们对爱人时时刻刻怀揣试探和疑问,常常莫名其妙的提出同你分手,让你无所适从,甚至难以相处……最后逼得你几乎要退却离开,但是且慢!现在的你却无论如何不能退却或离开。 为什么呢?因为处处们的这些表现,原因竟是——他或她越来越爱你! 处女是带着“为别人服务”精神降生的一群人。有些处女几乎天生就属于神,而不属于任何人。

从小,他们就一直以乖巧聪明的姿态出现,从不让爸妈操心,独当一面,处处为别人考虑,一生都在付出。 人付出必然要求回报,但处女们,对回报,却只需要爱情作为补偿。 所以在爱情上,他们要的也比常人来得更多。 所以,处处的爱人们不要在意处女们的不安&焦灼,这一切只是起源于他们爱你,希望你给他们足够的爱与安全感。 所以,当你通过了这些考验后,你就会拥有一个天下最完美的爱人。 因为他们对你死心塌地,不顾一切,那种幸福保准让你无法想象。 表象的坚强真实的脆弱 处女座是习惯独自面对寂寞冷清却一定把微笑展现给别人的人。


处女们天生就有做一个典范的决心。他们在所有人面前都要表现出那副理想状态,他们希望自己完美,而一直不由自主的力图在往那个方向靠近。 所以处女们其实也有脆弱的一面,他们独立自强,却有着一颗纯洁易感的心。 容易成功也容易走近死胡同 处女当中非常多成功者。 因为他们做事为人精益求精,对待工作认真负责,以天下事为己任,仔细且一丝不苟。 他们的优点真是太多,他们长于精细的思考和计算,天生都有灵巧的手和精确的大脑。 和一个处女在一起生活也很快乐,因为几乎可以什么都不要考虑,他们会事无巨细为你打造好一切。

但是,问题是处女们自己总是感到不快乐。因为他们总是觉得事情可以做的更好一些,却总是没有能够,所以他们总是容易悲观,感到失望。 其实,说到底,处女们的敌人就是他们自己。 如果他们能够学会知足常乐,能够认识到不完美也是一种福气的话,也许他们的人生会更加多姿多彩,不仅成功,而且快乐。

Nov 12, 2010

Nov 11, 2010


alright. i have been very calm after some words came into my brain. I HATE BEING FORCED! seriously, candidly. anyway, can you guys please stop forcing me? i mean, yea, STOP.

p/s: i never feel like tracking you. what if? HAHHH :))

enjoying hair treatment! lalalalala.
annyeonghii people.

Nov 9, 2010


神呐!!!!!!! 你快把我逼疯了!!!!! 

你一开门就看到我在打game, 我在读书时你又不开门来看看??!?!!! #@$%*&%^$#

我真的在读书啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @#$%^*&(&^%$



啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (严重的想大声喊!!! )




went down to kuantan yesterday. purposely feel like following my dad to the funeral. mom asked me to bring lappy along too, i wonder, but still listened to her. actually she just gave the chance to me, for? playing fb, fb again. :))

sky turns dark, dad brought us to my favorite restaurant!! yeeppiii. and for this time, GOTCHA!! i managed to ordered my right meal! HAHAHAHHH! chicken chop gravy! x))

after meal, we headed to the funeral venue. after kelvin saw me, he was like stunned, and asked whether i purposely to come here, and i answered YES. mom went to auntie's side and said something to her, i followed for sure. while auntie describe how they found uncle had fainted, my tears almost burst out! i can feel how hopeless auntie was feeling that time, and how lucky was, a son of auntie has came back from kayL for holiday, and he knows how to CPR a person. so after uncle had fainted, he CPR uncle but unfortunately, failed.

while auntie describing, her tears almost burst out too. feel sad for her.

annyeonghii people.

Nov 7, 2010



事情的经过......... (我没有东西写了.. 唯有描述过程.. blame me!) :DD

因为天气很冷的关系,涛很冷.. 但我一进到室内,就觉得很热。所以我当时在找空调control。
涛: 我很冷啊!!
我: 热到鬼酱啦!!
(跟我抢完....... 他就按25度)
我: 哇唠,热死了咯,我房间都开23啦!
颉: 哇.... 拍手拍手!!
我: =='' 死鬼!

(不爽了.. 就想到一个花名弄涛)
我: shao mang gaii!! HAHAHHH!
涛: 无言~~~
颉: 我也要!!
: 哈哈! shao mang gaii 你们可以不要吵骂??!!
涛: 还是无言~~
颉: 我要 feii mang gaii!!!
莹: 那你就 feii mang gaii 啦.. 哈哈!!

(隔壁那桌真的很吵.............., 打扰我们的啊莹做account....)
莹: 死 shao mang gaii 不要吵啦!! 哈哈哈哈~~
涛: 拼命无言~~~
阿姐: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shhhhh~~

(惨了!! KKKUB,UH, terdahulu & terakru 弄乱了!! 酱久没有做了......忘了!!)
莹: 等下!! 酱 UB的 ..... blablabla...
我: 不是!! 我们现在是讲KKK的先...
钰: 可是刚才你又讲.........
妮: 不是不是... UB时就terdahulu咯.. UH时就terakru咯..
剑雄: 不一定啦!!!
我: 也对,考试不会出那个不一定...
妮: 不是........... blablabla..
钰: 是咩...... blababla
莹: 等!!! 我乱到.......
豪: 你拿钱出来就不会乱啦....
(***** 情况非常混乱中.............)

莹: 所以UB就酱.. UH就酱啦...
我: 啊.............. 对啦!!
妮: 是啦是啦.....
钰: 哦.............. 哦给哦给!!
(***********幸亏啦!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))

(另外.. 当涛去问啊姐东西是... 豪手痒,把他的手机藏起来.....)
涛: 诶,我的电话叻??!!
全部: 点懂你...................
我: 你打过去看啦...
豪: 是啦... 来我们帮你.. (明明就自己收了..哈!)
*** 雄,颉豪都打过去了... 可是豪关了silent.. xDD
豪: 试看send message问谁拿了....
涛: 你send你send....
豪就send '' 谁拿了涛的电话?!! ''
他们等好久都没有反应... 涛就一直打一直打.... 还串啊姐..
涛: 姐啊... 我在你这里不见很多东西叻.......
姐: ( 没有要理他的意思... xDDDD)

(随后原来豪放在钰的包包里.. 她就拿出来.. 放妮的笔盒....)
我: 原来在你这里啊...
钰: 死鬼他们放的咯....
莹: send message 回圣豪... 哈哈哈!!
我: okokok~
我就send '' 真不好意思.............

豪: 回我了回我了!!!!
豪: 他讲不好意思叻....
(当时我已经笑翻了!! 刚好要回了.. 我就转头收东西.. 顺便笑!! 哈哈哈哈~~)
豪: 要回他什么快点!! (着他的笑意!!)
涛: 问他 ''你在哪里..........................'' (哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!)



继续读书啦! 等下再补习去!!
annyeonghii people!

Nov 6, 2010


*short update


i received this news after i got up from bed around 2pm. that time i was holding my tooth brush and toothpaste, i stunned in front of my mom who knocked my door and told me this. i guessed she saw my room's light was switched on and she came in. my brain was totally blank, and i have lost emotion on my face.

after taking lunch, yea since it was already 2pm, so it was my lunch. i received another bad news of my friends too. this time was our friend's grandpa. same as my relatives.

staying in a moodless condition.

kelvin, love ya. everything will be okay.

signing off for study. ok, i am sure i am studying alright?
annyeonghii people.

Nov 5, 2010


OMG!! today is a damn special yet unique day.
chia tuition and account tuition had called off together!

feelin' like laughing out loud. HAHAHAHH! you know, i've never been talking for so long a time, and knowing so many things within nearly 3hours! O..M..G!

HEHEHEHH. damn enjoyed sitting together with daphne and miss pj. we shared a lot of things as well as love stories. HAHH. her stories are obviously much more nicer, daphne and i went to put our ears nearer her, since the sky is getting darker, kmn station is getting much more peoples too, so we have to turn down our volume. HAHH.

anyway, GIRLS! especially miss pj, please be patient to wait us! we will be dating together at the BEACH after the irritating exam, SPM! and to share more together!! HAHAHH.

p/s: i didn't do any revision today! HAHAHH. :))

let's called a day!
annyeonghii people!

Nov 3, 2010


HAHAHAHH. keep playing the game like NON-STOP. whenever i leave my lappy, but the game still right inside my mind, and luring me. so ended up signing in - click - start. ROFL

whenever the chat box pokes up, can roughly guess that what they wanted to say. besides, went tuition just now and yan asked us that whether if we had done any studies? my answer is YES :))

HAHH. mom didn't even scolded me that i absented to school for... nearly 2days. she keeps talking and joking with me, HOHHHHH. my devil mom! x))

p/s: khaileng is awake! buck up!! study! revision! butttt, games too please :)) blame me! :D

OHHHHH. it is NOV already! lallal :))

annyeonghii people!

Oct 31, 2010

what about now?

exam sucks! sucks!! sucks!! i didn't even know how to answer economy and sejarah. well, since i have mentioned that this exam is kind of '' extra stuff '' so i admit that i won't give any damn to it. :))

OH WELL. i am now officially addicted to the game which intro by pig seen! OMG!! i stay in front of my lappy right from afternoon after came back from school! OH NO!! but yihau ajak yingying and me to play together just now, yet kuansheng OIII us in fb, then i know he wanted to join us. after joining us, i was just keep laughing. i was the unlucky person who always got killed the fastest! but i could AIM target quite accurate one k? x)) some more kuansheng keep lc people than they almost quarrel, oh! should be already quarreled. HAHHH.

it was just WAY TOO FUN playing with them. HAHH.

p/s: well :) feel freaking good after enjoying my hair treatment!

annyeonghii people!

Oct 30, 2010

class party.

invited by teacher zuraifa to attend our class party at her house, but please pay RM5 per pax, LOL! after fetching by ying, we went limtao house to gather and then we headed to the fixed venue to wait for our malays friend to lead us.

teacher house is damn big and fashionable enough, quite alike to chinese's style. but we waited almost an hour, we were like, wth? finally fateh them brought those BBQ's stuff and they started to outbreak the fire. but we could not imagine that they used those tires's tube to help for outbreaking the fire, WAY TOO SMELLY mann!! after enjoying zeyan's BBQ's chicken, oh he helped us and made for us, HAHA. we sat at teacher's courtyard to chit-chat and we saw there was a lot of teachers coming, so there have no more fun. after telling teacher that we were leaving, we went A&W!! LOL!!

actually we purposely went there to enjoy their air-conditional, but we could not just sit there and bought nothing right, so we just simply bought a glass of rootbear float and idling at there. HAHH. but believe me, cheensiong, weenie and i, were damn full after drinking the big glass of rootbear....

OMG! ignore my eyebags. totally lack of sleep.

ALRIGHT. have tambah nilai's exam on tomorrow! i don't know why is our school like to do extra stuffs.

annyeonghii peeepss.

Oct 28, 2010

group study.

feelin' quite shock that i went to study group these two days. but anyway, i was very enjoyed staying with my friends. :))

went to weenie's house as we planned a day before. we bought spaghetti, nudgets along and we cooked them at her house. of course, we ate them together and watched tv and took plenty of pics too! HAHAHHH. after watching the GAGS tv show, finally we were willing to go upstair and study.
ONLY 3 of us. the last pic of the day. :))

invited by cheewee to go to the library together with wansiang, who is my best childhood friend. so after cheewee fetched me, then we headed to haipeng for breakfast, and i know some secret! HAHAHH. x)) yet gave wansiang a tinkle and he said that they were at aimeijie having breakfast, so we decided to meet them up. but since it was already 1030, after urging them, but the respond we got from him and zihan them were they booked a badminton court at 11am. SO WE HEADED TO BADMINTON COURT until 130pm. HAHAHHH! aftathat, daphne, me went to wansiang's house to lepak. such a long time i've never been to his house already. then he played his gentlemen and cooked an instant noodles for me! :)) TOO BAD library closed at 130pm so we went back to his house and done some revision until 430 then we went cendol kopitiam to have high tea.

OMG!! we talked inner thoughts as well as secret! TOP SECRET! x))

they made my day!
annyeonghii people!