May 29, 2012


有些时候很多共鸣却在一瞬间化为乌有,我也不懂啦。有些话重复很多篇带来的安全感却很少,我也不懂。有些人改不了的习惯....... 还是不懂。


最近太多事情发生了,有些事不要以为我不知道,我只是觉得事不关己所以我不插手,我不揭穿也不计较,但每个人的忍耐都是有限的,相信不是每个人都会跟妥协画上等号。其实我也不知道为什么我不想知道的事会自动找上门,然后搞砸大家的气氛。只要大家知道自己在做什么就好啦 :)) 我人很好的嘻嘻嘻。


p/s: 我是没有课上才那么闲的好不好!我要继续睡觉了。zzz 

May 2, 2012

im bad.

seriously im loving my course more and more! i appreciate that i have a bunch of lovely friends and they like to explore foods so i got the chance to try out new thing, thats delicious food! even thou sometime we are running out of money but we set a day for ourself, WEDNESDAY usually we went out further from campus and explore! from the picture above, we hit BANGSAR VILLAGE. credits to Alexis, we tried out their signature i guess? Tiramisu and Mixed Fruit. god damn i thought i was in the cake wonderland! i thought the Mille Crepe i tried before was the best but there are always something beyond the best. i will be back cakes! :)))

complicated story.

 we made it :) all the ups and downs throughout the 365 days, i am a needy cry baby. lets be clear, i am not sure whether how long we can go, peoples and environment may beat us down but no matter what, i appreciate the day im being with you. TRUST is the thing im always and non stop learning. love each other like a love song :) I LOVE YOU.