Mar 30, 2011


怎么什么都变的那么难了? 有撑到很辛苦的感觉。这两天都有打给yunyee讲话,一直讲话,一直讲话,至少让我觉得我不是孤单的,哪怕我们只是闲聊。''功课'' 找不到合理的答案,原来真的很难受,就会开始跟人家比较,为什么人家可以,我不可以。其实以前我不会有这样的感觉,又或者是不会那么常常这样想,至从自己一个人了,也至从跟 ''功课'' 接触多了,这种感觉就渐渐的产生。

想尝试............. 真的想尝试...

今天front office management的lecturer来上课了,很风趣,讲很多话,可是2个小时我都在抖,因为很冷。另外太阳我和思颖都决定跳槽,去法文班,德文太难了啦!! wie haisen sie? und woher kommen sie? ABCD 26个字母也学了,好像上幼稚园酱,不过其实还不错啦。@@


Mar 29, 2011


大学生涯终于展开了,第一个礼拜就让我压力到死,又衰运到死。第一天formal wear想说淑女一点,结果那双大便鞋那么不争气,早早就给我的脚流血,害我忍了一整天,可我就是衰在可以忍。每走一步鞋就跟我的脚摩擦一次,一次又一次。或许,明明知道我不应该穿那双鞋,可是直觉告诉我要把不可能变可能,虽然最后还是受伤,还不放弃,却哭了。

在学校认识了一班朋友,好可爱的朋友。可是,粘着的就只有跟 ''太阳'' , 思颖Linda。还开始说人家坏话了,可悲的新同学,我们也不想的,:)) 他们都很好,可惜有4位是吸烟者,还是有点距离比较好。 那天跟思颖去弄学生卡,还以为要等上几天,谁知道15分钟就好了,过后就可以进出图书馆,啊我想呆在里面。:((


5.44pm RAF 告诉我说要逃课!! 我的妈呀,他也说的很对,明明才第一个礼拜就弄到我们赶到死。很辛苦.....

刚才走了很久都找不到我要吃的面包,差到死!! 挨饿啦!! 忘记买点冰淇淋钝在家里,不开心就可以大吃大喝! 好,我明天去买!!


Mar 27, 2011


we were invited again to chuanjie's sis wedding dinner which was held in kayL, AHAHH enjoyyyyyy :DD thanks gor for fetching me all the way from damansara to time square to meet them up! APPRECIATED!!

met them up at time square and they were buying something for someone, it was ridiculous. LOL! then we took monorial to the station where near to the hotel. we got up to floor 12 after reaching and started idling around just like the pic below!

they used the towel and smashhhhh yihau. LOL keep laughing non stop!

and they gave me to see a video that they took inside their hostel, THEY LOOK STUPID!! WAHAHAHAHAHHAH :)
i was the only girl who is invited among us...
ee lynn jie jie was also gorgeous that night!

aunty gave us an angpao, but i really didn't know the reason. @@

while we were enjoying and my phone rang suddenly, it was a noti. from facebook that i have received a message from my friend, Agnes. i viewed it and i started to cry.......... it was too touch! i never ever expect that one of my friend will do this for me, how thoughtful she are! i am really lucky to know her! thanks my dear! <3<3

4 of us got up to the room and changed back to our normal suits and while 3 of them were waiting for their taxi, i followed his cousin's car to back. chuanxiong sis was along and we chatted during the journey we back to our student house. :)) thanks for his cousin too!

cant fall asleep after the function... hmmmmmmmm ><


Mar 26, 2011



鼓起勇气,去敲了室友的房门。告诉她我是新搬来的后她就直接跟我握手,我又哭了。我还以为自己会很倒霉遇到自闭的室友,不说话不打招呼,虽然我自己对陌生人也不好。她还叫我进去聊一下天,她是来自Arab的,可是她的名很难记下... T.T 英文又很好下,啊当然啦她现在在KDU修英文,level 5了! 然后她的MCD外卖来了,hohohooh! 原来有MCD外卖,够力! AHAHAHAH :)) 在楼下的饭桌聊天,还请我吃薯条,可是我都不好意思,因为那是她的午餐+晚餐.... 她还问我要不要一起去对面的公园走走,很relax很好玩,我立刻答应了!!

不久舅舅又打来说要载我去他家住一晚,因为晚上我没有东西吃,没办法,必须跟他,所以放了室友的飞机,对不起,印象分扣光光!!! :(( 星期一再去!!

明天晚上的晚餐有着落!! :DD 谢谢鳖。

妈咪不要担心我了,我可以的。不要哭好吗? 我觉得我这次做的不错,我没有哭很久,因为我知道我会回家! 我会!!

p/s: 开课后晚上才可以上网了... ><


Mar 25, 2011


phewwwwww, FINALLY can consider as i am almost settled down in kayL. after reaching my campus then straightaway went to the student office to done my accommodation thingy, then i saw christ and his family, actually he did sms me that he was already at there and hope can greet, so we did it. :))

met the crew who in charge my case and i accidentally saw my name was written in a piece of paper and pasted beside the computer, ohh soo paiseh. LOL there was a little bit prob about my accommodation but the crew fixed it eventually, and i got the keys and i got to meet my new room. it is now a single bed room and a build in toilet is provided, but the space is god damn small. it is okay since i am leaving the room again next week! :))

yet met Simon who is my counselor, he brought me to my course department and the officer told me to join the orientation class at classroom 109. i was like WTF? he left me there after telling few boys there to mention about me cause i am new student. all of them kept looking at me, seriously SOS! but i simply greeted them with HIIIIIIIIIII. the what so called AA which means in lecturer was not punctual at all, ori started at 1.30 and he came in at 1.50, oh god.

suddenly i think shes a African came and say HI and asked me to sit in front together with few of them, i was totally shocked, i followed for sure. then she introduced 2 boys and 3 girls to me, i just remember NISHA, and the 2 boys who is Gab and Peter. the worse was they said my name is hard to remember so i forced to tell them my english name, and the respond is '' OH, IT IS EASIER MANN '' btw, they speak tooooooo fast! zz

a lot of forms to fill up, and MR DEEN talks very fast too....... why play me like that? :(( gotta stick with the forms and pass up to him.

thats all for today! :))





下午川颉很自动的就打来说来载我了,也许是最后一次了吧? 然后载了慧妮就一起去ks,也许也是最后一次的关系,我们再从ks去到福东南载芷萱,这次她没有借口推了!! :)) 途中虽然也是很开心,可是就是讲不出话。赴约的我们,虽然还是有讲有笑,我还被呛到咖里面的汤因为芷萱冷到爆的IQ题,然后大笑,可怜川雄被欺负,哈哈哈! :))

然后载我回店的路上,感觉好像真的要来了,心很纳闷,真的闷闷的,有点辛苦,眼泪好像也在眼眶转了... 心想: ,忍着先!没有事的,!本来还想再兜的,有事做,所以还是算了。下车跟他说拜拜的时候,心好紧。没有关系,忍下,没有事的。但时间越是靠近,心更紧,更闷,做什么事都提不起劲,头也很痛。开回之前大家一起拍的照片,《唱响世界》,《生日》,《毕业典礼》,还有昨天去玩的照片,那一刻我发现我真的顶不顺了!回忆一幕幕播映在我脑海里,我了,静静的了,无声的呐喊,如果身在海边那该多好。



Mar 24, 2011


领完成绩大家一起到ks吃午餐,然后就计划要去哪里放松下,就说要上awana游泳,再上mesra,集合时间3pm。回到家都快两点半了,匆匆忙忙告知 家人自己的烂成绩后,就去换衣收拾。颉打来说他们来着载我,可是心想不是柔载吗? 才要打电话,两辆车一起到我家,不懂要上哪辆,哈! 原来柔车要停在我家,坐圣豪的avanza下,然后就一边等一边哈啦。

路途中天阴阴的,所以改变计划,直接上mesra看电影。 WORLD INVASION BATTLE LOS ANGELES. 开头到我想睡觉,真的眼睛快打不开了,幸好挨到去中间,才开始刺激起来,还感动到哭了,所以终结来说这部电影还可以看一下! :pp 我不明白空调是不是在我位置的隔壁,冷风一阵一阵来,一直在,看完上厕所都还在,我的妈!

然后就去靠近道伟家的海边玩。夕阳真的很美,也许我的拍摄技术还不够好,可是在用肉眼欣赏的时候,真的很感动,好美,不禁忧郁起来,想哭。在海边的时光,总是无忧无虑,还高喊起来: '' WE ARE THE KING OF THE WORLD! '' 我们呐.. 我们。

回去途中在想晚餐吃什么,就决定去同珍楼,还打电话 叫了川雄。昨晚就是我们分开前的最后一个晚餐,好感伤,好不舍得,不甘心时间过的那么快。虽然说我们去了那里还是可以约出来,但不是容易的事,不是从我家 去ks的路程那么近。也不是打一个电话,一个sms就可以出去买burger吃........ :((

p/s: 如果不是,我又何必呢?



成绩,一个字 - ! 差惨了.. 比预考还差,虽然很失望下,可是还是藏起来,至少该及格的我都做到了。不开心,又怎样? 自己没有好好努力.. 后悔也没有用。

passable, 是我唯一能给你们的答案,至少我没有不给你们问,因为我也不想多说。字简却还能带到意思给你们。啊,我很好,不用担心。:))

成绩的担心过了,就是时候担心那里的生活了,时间过得真的很快。上次还说18号一起走,然后学校延迟开课,迟一个星期,那好吧,一个星期还是过了,不能再延迟了.. 所以,还是得离开。



Mar 23, 2011



good luck对我来说,好像起不到什么作用,因为成绩是不能改的,事实就是事实,事实就是明天。

我好像快崩溃了.. 脑袋一片空白,而且还紧张到饿了,什么鬼哦??!!

我要怎么入睡?? 啊............................. 救命。

based on the incident, whatdaheck i am thinking? no way of having such awkward feel! NO WAY!!

Mar 22, 2011


汉堡包是很肥,可是吃了又不是直接去睡觉,所以会消化! :)) 这个礼拜吃得很频密,可是就是很想吃,半夜想吃,甚至临睡前都想吃,就是饿,不明白,最重要有人跟我有同感。啦啦啦! :pp 吃了就去走走,至少 ... 对是至少,我没有很压力,啊虽然河水很脏,也没有月光,但是感觉很好。唯一增兴的就是都被红蚂蚁咬,顶! =='' 脚趾头肿了...... zz 然后看那里的人钓鱼,虽然钓到的机会不高,可是感觉还不错。像是当鱼竿摇晃的时候,他们会很紧张,看到我们也很紧张,'' 有了有了'' .. 虽然吃白果,可是他们也愿意继续等,还真是培养耐心的最佳运动! 佩服.... 给我的话我发脾气了。hmmm

决定离开后又不是很想回家,就到处晃,这里去,哪里去,感觉又奇怪的好。想的东西几乎是,很舒服,很冷,但很轻松。可惜当自己一个人,没事做的时候压力还是回来了,突然就会想很多........ 早上起床喉咙超级痛,又有点咳嗽,啊拜托我不要再病了。:((

祝要去北京的三位朋友一路顺风! 保重保重! :))

p/s: 神呐,很辛苦。真的很累了,够了。


FML. 1天!!!!!

Mar 20, 2011

in these mood.

seriously everything is in countdown mode. feel so nervous, panic, tension and STRESS! but quite excited. since it is a new beginning and another big step of our life, but i know i have to go through it no matter what.

i need to go out and walk! seriously i am soooooooo stress! :(( stress of the result and the life there as well, ARGHHHHHHHHHHH :((


Mar 18, 2011


今天到ECM买了要去那边用的东西,枕头,抱枕,被单,又兴奋,又失落。啊... 要走了,一离开就可能会缺席清明节跟家人去扫墓,这可是我常年都不会缺席的活动呀! :(( 在选购时的心情很复杂,选的款式都是平时家里用的,然后才被妈咪提醒,啊这不是家里用的啦!! :((

去剪了自己觉得很缭乱的头发,像是发尾,开叉开叉开叉又开叉。然后非常喜欢现在的我,好喜欢现在头发的长度,啊就是喜欢! :))

昨晚太饿然后去买汉堡包,可是没有的吃却还要看着人家吃! 哇唠..... 那种感觉,自己肚子都在叫了却要忍,死鳖。啊原来,那边的钓鱼时比赛来的..... 再走走下,有人的鱼竿好像勾到东西,我们一直以为是石头啊,鞋子啊什么的,可是去看竟然是乌龟!! 叫我去看时,他一直说是什么(译音),然后我问他,''(BIE)是吗.... ?? '' '' 啊.... 是啦.. 鳖! '' 啊你真是个鳖! :DD 诶我还要去看过咯,很舒服叻站在那边! :)) 毕竟没有什么机会可以酱子了,珍惜!!

p/s: kakak! 你愿意跟我去kayL吗? 帮我打扫...... @@ 啊我真白痴! ==''


Mar 15, 2011

little Kiyan.

had a FREE CALL and FREE VIDEO CALL with the new born's mommy. :)) finally downloaded what she demanded. but still needed to connect to the internet, duh.

and finally, got this little prince's name, Kiyan Lee. :))

sometime let nature take it course would be better than keep forcing, everyone needs a rest, since sick is occurred.


Mar 14, 2011

新成员! 14/3


那么粗鲁的孕妇我还真第一次见,啊虽然你怀的是个的,可是也真的未免太粗鲁了吧! 每次问你做么酱粗鲁你都是用肚子里面是个男的来回答,下雨收衣服你还叻我的妈呀! 不过刚才你痛了那么久虽然我在笑,因为给你一个教训也好,不过还真给了我一个不好的感觉,真的很痛吼。啊李太辛苦你啦! :)) 你看幸好我用iphone download 了那些 apps,不然你send照片来还真的charge很贵下,还跟你chat那么久,新加坡你以为便宜? 你回来时我也会抽时间回来的,小李先生你等我呀!! 啊婆你的猪肚汤等我呀!! :))

congratulation on your new arrival! loveya! :))

annyeongg! !

Mar 13, 2011


打从一月起我们一起去kayL旅行时颉就问我们能不能出席他姐姐的婚礼,当然我们答应了。期间有些人不肯定还会听到他 ''harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'' 回应。最后,we made it! :)) 大家都一致认为那就是我们最后一次那么完整的出席了,或许我应该说,以后就算会出来,也不会像昨晚全部到齐。当然,老土一点也要谢谢他的邀请,不然平时的喝茶怎 样都会有人缺席或则没有被邀请。

let the photos tell the story... :))

昨晚是超级多人,差不多半个kmn的人都盛装出席了! ;)) 好热闹。
真的毕业都没有那么帅,真的无可否认! 哈哈哈~
当然少不了我们啦! 哈哈~
川汉昨晚也很帅的咯,又可爱下! :DD

saranghaeyo! 爱你们!

昨晚本来全部兴致勃勃说要一起上台大合唱,结果又泡汤了。可是新郎一大班的朋友却上台合唱《朋友》,回忆又突然回来了,好感动。期间播放照片和早上接新娘的影片,好可爱,又搞笑,看了我们全部都在笑,哈哈哈!! 从厕所出来时被evon姐拉去拍照,搞到我尴尬到死,整个人在,哎呀,伤脑筋!! >< 回的时候跟颉的妈妈说一声,就搭韵柔的车回kmn了,谢谢她! :)) 昨晚真的超开心的!!!!! 还喝了半杯啤酒,哈哈哈哈哈!


annyeonghii people.

Mar 10, 2011

Got both of my debit cards! the Alliance Bank one i have waited for almost 2 months! but for the Public Bank one i got it within 1hour, AHAHAHAHH :)) thats the benefits of having someone you know at the bank. LOL

i hate the MR CJIE LIM who keeps countdown the day we have to leave. kinda feel like a bit reluctant when they were discussing what daily appliances to buy. blankets, pails to put shirts especially doing laundry, arghhhhhhhhhh, have to spend money again!

after getting my debit cards and i told myself please control, control and control!! everyone asks me why don't i apply for a credit supplementary card from my dad, i did think of it but the card belongs to my dad is a platinum and the limit is RM25K, ohhh no way to me! i afraid i would buy a pile of shirts and dresses, and ofcoz the camera. god no way! so i think a debit card is way enough for me.

going kayL tomorrow to check out my campus's student house. wish me luck, i want a good roommate as i think i couldn't make it to stay with yingying, yuenling and xinyao. :(( i just want a good roommate.

annyeonghii people!

Mar 9, 2011


AHAHHAHAH. finally, i don't know what day is today because every shipping stuffs reached to me. like my fruit, kinda way of funny to let people guess what is my fruit. :)) my online shopping dresses, and the bank debit card which i registered during the edu fair, WTF it was already 2 months ago!

taaaaaaaaaaadaaaaaaa! my lovely fruit - apple, hilarious HAHAHAH. got it no longer, used my another lovely sony to take it, IT MAKES ME LOVE 2 OF MY PHONES! my sony gave me this effect, i wonder how, ohmy. it sounds like those pics from google. AHAHAHH :))

proud of them! love ya'll.

suddenly don't feel like seeing any old post of mine, so readers feel like viewing my older post, feel free to click OLDER POST at the right bottom of my post. :))

still a lot to learn, arghhhh payoh. duhhhh.

annyeonghii people!

Mar 8, 2011

我知道有时候世界就是那么不公平,可是我还是不甘心,我真的不甘心! 为什么我就是没有机会,为什么当我认为我自己可以的时候规则才因你自己的问题而改变? 或者因你自己的喜好而改变??!! 为什么,我真的不明白。当初我真的以为你会看着我,至少偏心一点点,但偏偏最后一次了你竟然送我那么大份的礼。我对你真的很失望,是你自己的问题害到我没有了更好的待遇。一路以来我以为我自己放下了,至少我在那段时间里是痊愈的,是接受的。但当我知道这个时候才能得到结果的时候,我才发现我更放不下,我更不甘心。我学了那么多,却没有派上用场的时候,但有些人却可是不劳而获。享受我早就该有的东西。我恨,我不甘心。为什么那么不公平



Mar 6, 2011

我一直告诉自己,新的生活要开始了,不要再为''你''带给我的伤心而伤心。要尽量享受现在的快乐。跟妈咪为了宿舍的事而小吵,既然是这样,我住宿舍算了,妈咪即不会那么担心,我亦能帮自己留点自制能力。那么,希望我的roommate是美女啦!!! :))

annyeonghii people. :))

Mar 4, 2011


当我正赶着去找我的朋友时..... 突然有3的朋友拦截我的去路。问我有没有看新加坡的电视剧,我说好看就看,不好看就没有看。然后他们就说有看到新加坡的明星在这里,要跟他拍照,可是想不起他的名字,要我跟他们去。刚开始真的以为自己上了贼车,可是突然有位超级不像本地打扮的男生走过我面前,呆了!! 心想:就是他了!!!!!!!!!

他是谁呢............? :))
哈哈哈哈!! 就是他,陈鸿宇!!!
几乎他有份拍的戏都有看啦!!! 哈哈哈 爽。
虽然他这样的打扮很普通,不过如果你在现场的话,第一印象他真的有明星味,加上打扮真的不像是本地人,又高! 我的天........ 所以就是啦!! 在 starbucks 要求跟他拍照,然后还跟他聊天起来,一下子而已。不过很满足的啦!! :DD
我的妈呀!! 这部电影又紧张,又恐怖,又感动,都哭了啦!!
而且那位''无感情''的人唱歌叻,哇唠!!!!!!! :pp

今天很开心呐!! :DD

p/s: 你几时才要来??!!

annyeonghii people.

Mar 2, 2011



god, i am really screwed up. feel so HELPLESS, yet we are like HOMELESS.

there are something AT LEAST bring my mood up. :DD
started to play these lil toys!

AHAHA. at first i thought it is a fish eye but it isn't.
yet i love this effect too. :DD
hell yeah. just paste it in front of your phone camera and it is ready to take a photo with the effect at anytime! <3<3>
OHMY. it was just came at the right time. a bit like... happy. zzz

p/s: so a complicated mood today.

annyeonghii people.

Mar 1, 2011

definitely screwed up! gave me this surprise in the 1st of march. supposing-ly IT will reach on my hand within this week and i am like FML, because it was out of stock once Ben gor gor came and told me. damn you xxxxx! cepat lah i have no more time. how i hope the Form49 i gave to Ben gor gor will works. but still need 1-2weeks. WTFFFFFF.

mom reminded me to check my mail since the school will send me an email of my offer letter. but, i didn't find any OFFER in it, rofl. i printed it out and read carefully, ohhhhh once i know when i am going to leave, i don't feel well. i am like... OMG? leave? why so soon? what a freak i am.

annyeonghii people.