Jun 30, 2011


我终于自由啦!!! 终于把所有的 assignment 做完了!! 只要明天的 presentation 一结束,我就要开始读书了,为了那些临时才完成的功课而浪费了我温习的时间,真的觉得很无奈。== 时间也过的很快,那么快4个月过去了,下个礼拜就是我的 final 考试,也就是说,我第二个学期即将来临。

昨天 kitchen 的 lecturer 来跟我们 briefing,一位很有外婆味道的 Ms Gan,还蛮喜欢她的,说话直接去point,而且开始关心我们起来了。虽然 briefing 里的几个问题把我吓坏了,可是还是很鬼死期待进厨房跟她学习!! ;))

1. our class usually from 2pm to 10pm. ( 够力,到10点晚上??!! 不过她说会等我们回家后她才回,然后晚餐她煮给我们吃,又或者大家一起来!! 爽~ )

2. please do not miss out your dinner class. ( 她说考试都是考晚餐的东西,如果缺席了就会完全不明白老师在干什么了~)

3. normally i'll get you guys LEONG SHUI during our class, i know some of them love it. ( 我们华人听到简直就是拍手叫好,更何况我喜欢喝凉水!! 老师你当我干妈吧!! 哈哈哈哈 :)) )

虽然第二个 sem 真的看似很辛苦,我也察觉到会很辛苦,可是这是我的路,多辛苦撑一撑就好!! 加上,其实我真的还蛮期待的,认识我的人,你们有口福啦!! 我肯定在家里露两手,哈哈哈~

p/s:其实 ... 哭过就好了,笑一笑又过了! :)) 不算什么,小事小事~


Jun 27, 2011


今天去到学校,才知道我们要求上的 front office 取消了,所以只有 tourism industry 上,而且还只上那一个小时就放学了,还真的是第一次。九点多就一身松,但又不想那么快回家,就在电脑室呆,还跟那两个傻婆一起看连续剧,差不多12点酱被逼离开冷冷的电脑室.......

回到家本来想洗衣服,可是因为早上下过雨来,床都冷冷的,就直接躺在床上,跟她们聊下天,突然间连我自己也睡着了 =='' 真的很舒服.................................~~


CHEF 的 uniform 今天拿到了.. 下个sem就近厨房.. :))



what to do? i am lost.

Jun 23, 2011


昨天我们第一次搭ktm, 慘上 INTI NILAI 想说给林川颉一个生日惊喜。大概530就从midvalley搭KTM去nilai,其余的就迟点因为他们有事情做。第一次搭KTM, 简直就是人挤人,难怪他们要分男女各一个包厢,不然女生很不划算.. =='' 也终于明白为什么有时候那班 inti 的懒惰出来,真的还蛮慘。到 nilai 那站都快 7点了.... ~~

到了就搭巴士到他们学校门口,然后就走进去篮球场找正在练球的川雄他们。在那里看见一群群华人,然后 inti 真的有大到!! =='' 等他们搞定后他们就先去买蛋糕,我们就先去他们平时吃晚饭的地点。过后一号就负责联络林涛看他们要出了没有,我们就要躲起来了!! 唯一比较可怜的就是要拿着蛋糕躲在厕所旁边,哈哈哈~ 不久见莹一直喊说他们走着来了,看到他了... 那时我的手在=='' 当他坐在一号位他准备背对着我们的位置时,我就捧着蛋糕准备要吓他了,结果他那时在 order 然后他的头就一直动,所以我也必须跟着他头的方向来回避他的视线。终于到他定下来时..........................

我: 生日快乐........
他: ???!!!!!!!!

他整个人是吓到跳了起来,连我也被他的反应吓到了!! 哈哈哈哈哈~ 然后全部一起唱生日歌,弄到他有点尴尬。而且他的眼睛泛泪!!! 我的妈呀,他要哭了~~~~~~~~ :))

也许真的很感动吧,因为他说在这里见到我们真的会吓死。但你没有看错或者发梦,我们就真的在 inti nilai 出现了!!! :))) 去年他的生日泡汤,我们都吓不到他,今年我们双倍奉还。可是他也很笨下~ hahahahah.

p/s: 林川颉生日快乐!!!! :)) (希望你不要生气我们骗了你咯 :pp )


Jun 20, 2011


啊啊啊啊啊着几天都在忙,虽然我整天串assignment free可是就是因为没有assignment做而越变越忙,因为 FINAL 要来了!!! 够力了... 庆幸是lecturer都给题目范围,没有那么担心,总之就是要读书啦!!

今天presentation又发生了一些小争执。其实大家都是朋友,真的只是帮与不帮之间罢了,我们想帮你,可是老师又好像什么都懂,我们想argue也不能。加了你的名字在slide里又被老师ban, 所以被逼删除。哎呀其实夹在中间真的很难做,唯有全部让Raf来讲,我静静就好。谢天谢地我们还是成功把presentation搞定,老师还说我们的开头不错。在Q&A环节老师死命怀疑我们计算错误,幸亏那个part是我想的所以我就负责回答她的问题,她问我答,弄到她口哑哑! 觉得自己很厉害!! muahahahha :))

去了KLCC,打算扫货,可是想着还是省着点比较好,去香港就可是用自己钱,买一些小手信给那班饿鬼,哈哈哈!! :)) 最衰我还是扫了一点,mega sales 叻? 我怎样忍? :))

Mango GAP 都扫到我喜欢的东西,啊!!! 好喜欢好喜欢................. <3<3
这个相机,超帅!!! 还想说如果价钱有道理的话可能会来送。谁知道那么小个的lomo机竟然卖RM2K!! 注定眼看手不动... :((

p/s: 法文考又卷土从来,我不能丢脸了啦!!!

咳嗽恭喜我们庆祝2星期!! == 你让我真的很幸福.............. zzzz
来欢迎伤风,看我们能交往多久... :)) :@:@


Jun 17, 2011

oh mon dieu!

freaking OH MON DIEU! while havin' our FOM class, Mr Gruch said that he is going to tell us our mid-term result, and he emphasize that our result was SURPRISING! of course we wonder howwwwww surprising it was. he was quite happy to know we done a good job!!!

FIRST, our OPERA result break Mr Gruch previous classes record, one of our classmate just used 4minutes to finish using OPERA to check in as well as check out. SUPERB!! his previous record was 7minutes, sooooooooooooooo we done 1st good job! lalallala, LC group, WE BEAT YOU. so SHUT UP! :))

SECOND, overall our OPERA majority just used within 10minutes as the maximum time given is 20minutes. ( i used 8minutes!! that was totally out of my expectation. )

THIRD, i managed to squeeze into the TOP 10 list, which considered my OPERA marks and time used. the full mark is 25 and i got 24!! ohhhhhhhhmyyyygoddd!!!

FOURTH, adding up my OPERA result and my mid-term paper exam, my final score is 39 out of passing mark of 40. sooooooo the FINAL EXAM in the early JULY, i just needed 1 mark so i can pass my FOM!! but, the marks of our assignment and final exam haven't counted in, Mr Gruch said that we can crave for DISTINCTION!! which is something like A/A+ in our spm.


p/s: french teacher might not teaching us in the second sem, SADDDDDDDDD :(((

babeeeeeeeeee i am superbly in mood! :))


Jun 16, 2011

vent out.

actually the 1st time you really didn't impress us much until today! the last day of PDP you still doing the same thing and made us even more DISLIKE you.

seriously this was my 1st time being sacked by lecturer, WTF? once we entered the class and you didn't react much but still greet us nicely but things turn out to be worse after everyone came in. yes maybe one of the reason was we came in late, but mostly WASN'T our fault!

so you think 8 peoples failed on the reports made you feel ashamed? don't you think we have to the same feeling too? WE HATE TO COMPLAIN LETCURER! you gave us the report templates on WEDNESDAY and wanted us to pass up ON FRIDAY. god, we still have assignment to rush you thought only you giving assignment?

the reason WE GET OUT from the class was WE CARE YOUR FEELING as well as CULA's feeling. you said if we don't get out so you will, we wanted you to out actually but once you out, CULA class is involved so we out. YOU WAS UNFAIR to us always, why CULA can stay but not IHTM? you said we can wear our own formal attire on WEDNESDAY but today you suddenly pop out that we should wear our course uniform, WHATTHEFUCK??!!

i was glad that my reports didn't fail, SO I DIDN'T NEED TO APOLOGIZE TO YOU. screwed you.



Jun 12, 2011

stressed out.

few days ago i was really rushing my ''last-minute'' assignment, well just blame me. i like to do thing at the last minute, i can't help. but the worse is my spirit will come everytime i do last minute work, whatdaheck.

10 reports finally GET OUTTA MY LIFE. kinda bullshit i have to rush it within few hours, but i did it, I DID IT!! once i saved inside the particular thumbdrive and passing to my class rep, you can never imagine how i feel damn relief!! but there was a prob within us, you know what, i really don't hope things turn out to be like that. i hope you guys know about that, remember WE ARE FRIENDS!!

yeepppiii i am home again. but going back tomorrow, everytime i escape from urban i feel damn greattttt. i hope time stops now......

p/s: i need you just like a heart needs a beat. :) LY.


Jun 7, 2011


i guess i am getting sick. few days of rushing my assignments and presentations, everything went imbalance. really missing the times during secondary school, with don't even need to complete all the so-called homework had given, ofcoz there are no due date, but the important was we don't even care! :))

before that how we desire to stay up late, to face the lappy allllll the time, yes the chance is here, but i feel so damn hideous. feel like throwing my lappy miles away from me and don't even wanted to see my assignment SHIT (sheets). why lecturers are all cruel like that? i bet they know we have got a lot of assignment to accomplish but still NON-STOP-GIVING!

you know what, i know i have to done my assignment but still........... I AM LIKE DO-NOTHING and feel like going out to shop, shop till the MAX!! and keep pressing F5 to refresh my facebook homepage, what for? GILEEEEEEEEEEEE BABIIIIIIIIIII BETUL.

anyone meet GOD? please ask him to take me away, i am so sick!! and i don't want to stay. thankyou.

gahhhhhhhh, damn emo's stuff.



时间就是过得那么快,我又回到现实的生活中了。可是,我整个人真的超级不舒服,多亏 '''' !! 现在又多了一个 '''' ... 现在心情超级不爽!!

都快第二个sem了.. 才告诉我.. ==''



Jun 5, 2011


阿琳回家咯!! 这次回关丹先,吃嫲嫲的晚餐,看到小堂弟,好像不认得我了啦? 拜托才两个月叻... 他们都说我像外国人,要爱叻~ muahahah :))

晚餐前去剪头发,天啊简直就是一个字,!! 好久没有被服务了.. 哈哈哈!! 然后修了我的头发,有点后悔因为太薄了,我要用圈圈绑头发都担心会很loose.. :(( 回到家后就要干好多事情,今早跟很家族吃爱美姐,然后莹他们就要搭巴士回kayL了,毕竟她们放了一个礼拜的假期,我也一个人呆在家一个礼拜了,现在给我享受几天吧! :pp

过后去拍passport照,够力不好看。惨了我的passport不用要了~ =='' 然后去补牙,有痛到!! ==''

其实我还蛮有天分当理发师,我的刘海是我自己剪的!! muahahahah ==''


p/s: 其实你知道你来的不是时候吗??!! :@ :@ 你让我觉得很难过!!


Jun 2, 2011


最近我觉得,没有事比用手洗衣服来的困难,所以当我很压力,当我觉得什么鬼屁功课超级难的时候,我会找衣服洗。因为娘的最最最难的就是把衣服扭干!!! :@:@ 扭干后我的心就平静了 ==''

人 生第一次 Formal Attire presentation 终于完成了!! 这次超正式的presentation让我紧张到忙上洗手间,心跳加速,老师看到我,拍我肩膀然后问我 '' are you okay? '' 我就一直 '' no, i am not, i am really not okay '' 然后她就笑 =='' 到我的时候,觉得手上拿着的遥控器很帅!! 哈哈哈哈~ 下一个slide就按一下,要他们注意的point就按一下,色的 lazer light 就会出现.. 啊总之就好象握着WII的遥控。其实正在present的时候,心情好像没有那么紧张。因为老师一直在后面笑,然后竖起大拇指。过后见她时说唯一扣我分数 的就是我的手两次塞进口袋...... =='' 然后在较后面时,好像赶着结束的样子,所以........................咯。zz

回去桌位的时候整个人还没回魂,呆坐在一旁。只懂得忙喝水,因为讲到我口很干! muahahaha :))

ah hor 开会去,大家 - 玩!!

可能会回家,弄护照! :)) 可是,这个周末的电影取消了.... :((
