Jul 29, 2011


今天 kitchen class 提早放学,是还蛮早的。随后我们就去101找法文老师,今天是她工作的最后一天。在跟cula3 上法文,我们 IHTM3 不理,直接说我们也要一起上,当然,她没有拒绝我们,我,珊跟思颖就跑到我们平时的位子坐,那时手上拿着要送她的东西,心里一阵寒。

当她说 un minute 的时候我们简直就是 ............. 当时我的情绪来了!! 当差不多 cula3 的一半走完,我们就上前去跟她聊了一下天,然后我就负责说: '' Ms Nabia, i have something to say and something to give you. '' 过后我就把我们15个 french students 一起写的卡片交给她,她感动到一种地步。我看到珊的眼睛红红的,我更忍不住了,哭成泪人。第一次,第一次我又这样,怎样都上了3个月的法文,真的很不舍得。

Ms Nabia, je t'aime et tu me manques! merci for everything!! pardon i didn't get an A in my french for you but a B. i have tried my best i hope you are not that disappointed.

当她抱我的时候我真的一直哭一直哭........ Mr Alan 的法文课很辛苦,我不想不及格。:(( 她还说如果我们法文功课遇到什么难题记得第一时间在facebook告诉她,她回去 Europe 会有更多时间上网,也尽量帮我们解决,她这样我更不舍得她!!! :(((

p/s: 我要去 KLIA 送机!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bon Voyage ms Nabia :((

Jul 28, 2011


身边的朋友这几天都抱着读书的热,为什么? 因为个个都要面对来临final的考试。大家不能一起并肩作战,我final过了现在第二个学期,而且在这么多个朋友里面我是最快的,所以我了解全部现在 的苦。但,你们算好了,同班的不是住附近就是室友,要一起温习多么容易。跟我同班的都住到那么远,想一起温习都难,所以我比你们特别压力,几乎都是自己一 个人,可我就是习惯了。

突然怀念只住了一个星期的单人房,虽然那一个星期真的很苦很倒霉很孤独,但我享受的,是一个人的时候。原来不得已 的孤独还挺不错的,整间房间都是我自己的空间,想怎样就怎样。美中不足的就是我回家需花上20分钟,而且邻居的家在装修,很多外劳出入,我一个人走回家很 危险。其实我是习惯了一个人,做什么都一个人,整班一起去1U我竟然走的很快,而且听不见他们叫我,其实我没有耍EMO,我只是习惯罢了。

昨 天把第二学期的assignment拿出来看了一看,发现它的 due date 是十一月,心想为什么这个Assignment需要4个月来完成呢? 然后既然大家都得到图书馆温习功课,我也到图书馆去借了 assignment 要用到的参考书回去读,能解闷之余也能跟他们一起读书

the books i read.
three of us.


p/s: i am not a perfect person, and i am not good to stranger.


Jul 23, 2011


一起床你就这样,你不累吗? 我很累,真的很累。每一次这个时候我真的很想家,很想回家。家里的舒服能让我很有安全感,什么都不需害怕,不需担心。

她们说我下午睡觉时哭了... 这点我想不通,但我的确发恶梦~ 醒来后再也睡不下,她们都下完去读书,我在楼上看戏,自己又偷偷哭了。生活作息颠倒了,也是自己拿来衰,就只好怨自己。都没有 assignment 做,已经很累很累了,却还一直在 F5 那个其实很无聊透顶的面子书,就那样看着首页到凌晨两三点才甘愿睡觉。为咩?

不想早起只是借口,恨自己没有很厉害的睡觉功力,即使很早睡觉也能很迟才起床,我最多就只能到11点。谁会? 教我好吗? 我现在很累,但还不想睡。真的很犯贱~


Jul 22, 2011


今天很庆幸 lecturer 全部去完 field trip 所以今天没有课!! 38跟了他姐姐一起去pavilion,pavilion之前去了一间很有味道,很有气氛很安静的咖啡厅喝下午茶。之前他就告诉了我然后我就很想很想去,连他喝什么也拍下发给我,大便人弄到很吸引!!

今天终于目睹这件餐厅的风采!! 真的好舒服好舒服,只是坐外面热了点,点的面包和咖啡都不错喝,可是也许是太饿了忘记拍照,真可惜但很不错。:))


在pavilion看 《武侠》,很恶心但不错看,我还差不多一直笑场,哈哈哈~ 也许是在车上跟他姐姐又听笑话又讲笑话搞到我今天的笑点超低,笑到我乱~~~~~ 过后我们两个就去time square找要跟他回inti的圣豪,死鬼一直zhat我还嫌我慢 =='' 之后就一起搭monorail去kl sentral 然后分散他们搭ktm 我搭 lrt~~~ 回的路上还看到有人差点打架,而且我坐过站~ 哈哈哈哈~ ==''

p/s: 下次提醒我拍照............. :pp


Jul 19, 2011

Service Class.

YES YES YES today was the service mock up class, in charge by our lecturer Mr Eddie. initially i was quite excited but who knows he is not that strict but damn fussy! =='' luckily the colour of my hair doesn't look obviously at indoor so guess i don't need to dye back into blank colour or else i think i better go and bang the wall~~~~~

class started at 10am sharp and had a short briefing, giving out notes and so on. THEN the most difficult part came, we have to use our left hand which is not very strong for me because i am a right-hand girl, to carry plates! i was like WTF how can my 3 fingers carry a 11'' 's plate? we keep on trying trying and trying then ended up my hand almost cramp! ==''

next we learn how to put on table clothes, there are 2 ways but we failed. WHAT TO DO? i felt damn pekcek but we are newbies! Mr Eddie is like god, his hand can carry 6-7 plates and still can walk around without looking at them. okay maybe he has working in this industry for many years so that is the skill hes havin' .

so we all standing with our high heels for FOUR HOURS. we practice right from 1030am until 1215pm non stop! but only have 30mins lunch break and i was rushing like a mad. then 1245 continue training until 230pm. LUCKILY there are other classes comin' in for training so our class can dismiss earlier because initially he said DO NOT EXPECT CLASS WILL END AT 2PM.

anyway, TIRED MAD but we had fun working together! :)) but i felt like sleeping during briefing class, SOOOOOO BORING!! ==''

p/s: that cause me late of waking the pig up. :pp


Jul 18, 2011



成绩平平凡凡,算中等。但幸好预了拿A的都有,其实我还奢求什么? 但求全部通过不用重考不用留级就是我想的东西。但那通电话后我真的不甘心,难道我就没有会努力的样子吗? 我不做就不做,一做起来是真的会很认真的,哪怕结果出来不理想但我至少我有努力过!!! 就当我没有读书的天赋。抱歉我不是全科A的学生。啊原来我睡觉也有错 :)) 那我升仙不睡觉,哪里都不去,成天拿着书来读,哦给?


p/s: 谢谢你这几天带给我的欢笑。 :)


Jul 13, 2011




虽然好久没有懒着不做事那么多天,可是头痛也跟随我那么多天。说实在你是怎么了?!! 有必要缠我那么久吗?



Jul 11, 2011


我终于在了!! 妈咪每次我回家就要我早睡,说我回家是充电的,可是我说回家就是睡到迟迟啊,早起是要上学不是吗? 她静掉~ muahhaaha :))

今天跟妈咪一起弄蛋糕,哇爽咯原来很好玩,哈哈哈!! 妈咪还说什么现在利用一个礼拜来训练我,拜一回去上厨房课不会丢脸。诶什么啊? 我本来就有很好的底,基础很足够了的!! :)) 最近妈咪不懂做么鬼好像退休了酱学人家做蛋糕,以前叫她做比登天还难,现在为了蛋糕换新的烤炉!! 不用紧幸亏她有个喜欢吃蛋糕的女儿,嘻嘻嘻~ 蛋糕烤好了后她突然告诉我明天是老爸的生日,够力我才想起诶是咯horrr, 明天11号了怎么办怎么办!!

然后就像 mr 讲的顺理成章的把我做的蛋糕当生日蛋糕,晚上跟妈咪去买蜡烛。老爸关店回来,他上楼换衣后我就在楼下赶快把蜡烛点了,结果他下楼真的有吓到,哈哈哈哈~ 要爱哦老爸讲他也忘记自己的生日! 老爸生日快乐!!! 几好......... 刚好这次能回来帮你庆生,父亲节我又有回,唯独是妈咪生日跟母亲节都不在,妈咪不要吃醋啦!! 女人嘛~ 天性就是吃干醋 :p


p/s: 都不是秘密了的,mr 你弄我愚死了.. gahhhh T.T babiii betulll~


Jul 9, 2011


started my holiday! but seriously i feel damn boring of staying at home, i don't know how can i survive when i back in town, MY HOMETOWN!! guess i have to back few days earlier in order to prepare myself for semester 2, OMG IT IS SEM2 IT IS SEM2! FOM lecturer asked us to prepare for sem3 are you crazy yes i mean it. zz

firstly i have to dye my hair, the black one keep growing and doesn't sounds nice! i wanna buy a new mouse for my lappy i wanna cut my fringe i wanna have hair treatment i wanna have facial treatment since a couple of week ago i keep rushing my reports and pimples grew! ARGHHH. okay now my holidays sounds pack so okayy don't worry. :))

WTF. i hate people wakes me up early in the morning and ask me to do something not related to me! who do you think you are and i have no right to wake you up you stupid. if you cant wake up and cant rush to class so THATS IT non of my business are you stupid?

p/s: you tend to make me smile. :)


Jul 6, 2011


my stress remover. mr bought it :))

hereby to announce that i am officially done with my 1st semester!! got to study what exactly the question will come out but once i look into the paper and i forgot part of them, maybe i was too nervous and afraid will be cheated by lecturer again. poor me ==

came out a bit earlier after knowing that i didn't remember anything else so just don't wanna waste my time sitting inside and feeling damn cold like don't know.. LOL but, the important was..... AFTER I CAME OUT AND LOOK BACK INTO THE PAPER, I REMEMBERED BUT I JUST MADE THE WRONG SEQUENCES! seriously feel like go and bang the wall == guess my distinction for this subject has gone .... ARGHHH.

then shiying and i went to see our AA, as well as getting our schedule for 2nd semester. guess what, i feel like crying after getting it, my mood turned down and seriously mad. i thought our 2nd sem will be at least SLIGHTLY better since our 1st sem was so pack, but i was wrong. IT IS EVEN PACKER. practical class until 8pm! and saterday i would have class for MPW. what the fuck??!!

i felt so sorry to my parents because i feel like quitting. == WHYYYYYYYYYYY!!!

should enjoy my 1week break, candidly it is my 1st time having a break which is more than 3days. POOR ME, POOR COURSE I AM HAVIN'. but no choice, PERSIST.

ciaoooooooooooooo. are you getting bored to me?

Jul 4, 2011



人生第一次college final考,紧张死我,但是会来的始终回来,所以撑着就算了。一早就是考 english intermediate 先,但竟然被亲爱的 Ms Lopez 骗,亏我们那么喜欢你,真的另我们很失望。考试前一周才给我们 literature 我们都算了,竟然给我们错的 idioms tips, 还说什么 well - prepared us, 我们被你骗的团团转就有。短短2个小时要做7题全部都是写的。

Section A - 读作文的 objective - 14个选10个 business term 写意思 - 10个 idioms 选 5个写意思再造句。
Section B - 2个 report 里面选一个来写, 最够力是竟然还要注明要写 250 字以上关于 literature 的 moral value。但她只给我们读,其他的什么都没有,我写屁啊?
Section C - 10个active sentence 换去 passive.

2个小时怎么可能做的完? 实话说我的 idioms 空完,因为读她很强调的 EXAM TIPS 竟然什么都没有出,我真的很生气。然后 literature 只给我们文章其他相关问题什么都没有然后考试问我们 moral value, 我点懂啊? ==

幸亏 tourism industry 估的 tips 全部中 99!! 幸好我发现 tips 早然后知道读不进了所以赶紧死背,感谢神我死背都给我死背到,而且没有在考试时冷到我忘记。感谢 Ms Gan 帮我换位因为我实在冷到我不行了~ ==''

明天 french, 但之前的功课都有分数,所以明天的final不用那么紧张,拿多10分我就及格了。还真希望如此 ==


Jul 3, 2011


this is my 1st time i don't feel like going to COLLEGE. seriously i am stuck. i suddenly forget everything i have done just now since i got to know that actually for tourism industry we have tips to study. SO WHAT I HAVE DONE IS WASTED. of course, there are few more chapters i haven't go through, how can i face my finals tomorrow? CAN I QUIT?

BURST OUT when both of the shapooooo phoned me. actually i know both of them got stuck too, but i just could not bear when i heard their voices. they were just trying to cheer me up even though they are suffering, i wanted to cheer them up too but i can't. i am sorry to them.......

KL, no point for crying.