Nov 28, 2012

sem break beginsssssssss

finally degree year 2 sem 1 has comes to an end, OFFICIALLY end. time passes really fast, we started all assignment in the mid september, and keep busy busy busy till the mid november. then presentations come one by one day by day total 6. ironically there were only 4days away from final exam, then gonna start study and do revision like a mad cow. everything came wayyy tooooooooooooooo fast.

every friend of mine haven't start their break yet, i am really waiting for it, seriously gonna have a bunch of activities with them, ofcouse, family is the first priority. as am waiting for my result, i am crossing my fingers, i hope my last minutes study really work as this was my first time writing all the shits into the whole booklet, they said i am a bullshit queen. duhhhhhhhh i was just to wish to get high grade.

i am really worry and scare about the new life. i do not know why i just could not withstand the feel of not celebrating every festivals with my family and friends, especially CNY. this is the only thing which managed to gather us. never miss this with them for my 19years of life. i hope i can go thru all these......

anywayyyyyy, sound so emo post. I AM HAPPY to have them :) so grateful.

Nov 5, 2012



还有那些对号入座的,不会觉得很低能咩?。我已经有男朋友了我不稀罕 :)


sorry bloggie for expressing my bad mood. its fucking irritating and annoying for bearing and tolerating such a bunch of peoples around you.

Oct 23, 2012




Financial 还要一直看好像那些股票上下,在分析,分析了又分析。

我纯碎诉苦,真的快溺毙了。读书生涯没有那么辛苦过。曾经一度想放弃,放弃出国,放弃学业,放弃一切。可是我真的舍不得,不想之前diploma的努力白费。除了我的同学,没有其他人能够了解现在 BA2C 这班童鞋的心情。赶死赶命就为了呕4个assignments出来。想诉苦也找不到人,跟他讲他也不明白,我也真的不想再讲。讲了又问,问了又问,我只想有人来鼓励我安慰我陪我一起,却一直被几时要交这个问题纠缠着,我听到他再问这个问题我真的会崩溃,为什么还要怪我多Assignements做就发脾气,也不想下我为什么发脾气。人类就是那么奇怪,要我讲到很明白我也讲了,还是不明白就怪我发脾气。我真的累了。

Sep 26, 2012


做么九月好像很快过酱,想找几个很久没有联络的朋友要他们讲 happy belated birthday 给我听,可是看下日期我的妈呀都20号了要他讲会不会中打?

那天生日刚好是星期五,没有读书,我的 bitch 星期四就来陪我了。穿美美我们去‘辣椒’吃晚餐!:)) 很乡下咯我第一次去叻,不过真的很好吃下 ==

其实我也不懂啦,不懂我们接下来去哪里吃什么,只知道全都是我喜欢的。我的生日蛋糕是我最爱的 mille crepe cake!! 然后很尴尬地,他突然自己点蜡烛唱起生日快乐歌,我不知道要笑还是感动?哈哈。

虽然只是两块蛋糕。他还在这个盒子那里签名 == 可是也不是丢掉了?多余!哈哈哈。

其实最近真的一直一直吵架,是也吵不是也吵,明明好好的我随便找东西讲又吵了。大家都一起发脾气,是真的脾气!好累,吵到好累。虽然吵到很严重,可是总觉得一定会和好的那种,烦的咯!他真的很烦,烦死了。酱子也吵一餐!讲我问很多,同样的问题问几百次,酱子又吵!可是跟他吵架是一件很爽的事 == 他好像已经知道我的pattern了,然后就先讲对不起,然后和好了又可能再吵过。多余的粉肠。<3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

睡前都发一张傻照给我。想他 :)

Aug 21, 2012



不知不觉酱又过了好一阵子,degree 真的不简单,人不简单,科目不简单,老师更加不简单。功课越来越多,交的时间越来越紧密,test 又一个接一个来,讲真是真的很压力。童鞋们!degree 不好读啊!不过当很多人问我现在念什么的时候,degree 在他们眼里好像永远都比较厉害,我自己也很暗爽。-.- 不过背后的辛酸好像只有我们自己心里有数。

最近几乎都差不多搞定另一边读书的资料,文件,照片,信件,希望一切顺过同花顺 -.- 多三个月酱就要搬离有那两条粉肠的家,不知道谁会来代替我的床位叻?真的很舍不得那个位置,因为很多人来我们宿舍留宿时都特别喜欢我的床,可能干净之余还有点舒服吧?哈哈。虽然有冷气但能看不能吃,加上网速又慢,但怎样还是住了快两年,我们的感情不是冷气和网速就能表达的。那些一起喝酒聊天一起哭一起笑的精华,如今还深深的烙印在我脑海里。或者是看到对方突然间哭了起来,我们就会挤在其中一张床,躺在一起,陪着对方一起哭。

现在问题时我来了那么久衣服就买足那么多,都不懂要怎样收拾。上次看他们有拿旧衣服去捐就赶快在橱里收那些不会再穿的衣服拿给她们捐,过后才想起那些衣服都好像是名牌 >< 不过算了因为真的不会再穿第二次 -.- 也不想浪费 :)

有时候跟他在一起真的很累。又是性格那么硬的人,都那么不想认输,那么想赢。吵过无数次的架,也常常打架,那种真的是按着彼此欺负的那种,而且我有时会给他弄到受伤才肯停手的。你吃我醋我吃你醋。但吵架后那种感情又突然升温的那个瞬间,我们又珍惜彼此一点,一点又一点。我们好像已经是彼此的习惯了 :)

Jul 4, 2012


本来是不是很想写什么,懒惰 :) 衰在 RunningMan 新的一集还没有更新又被某些烦没有她的照片。唯有吐一些文字来满足她。

好咯,你们比我们早开始新的生活,希望你们在那里遇到的新朋友不会比我们好!哼!就算很好你们也必须把我们想得比他们更好!不过也很好,你们这两条水整体打扰我上课,没有坐我旁边了我成绩可能会更好,嘻嘻嘻。不好的就是,我该找谁吹水?下课吃饭我没有人跟我吹水!:(( 吹英文的水是可以可是很差咯!哎~ 可是无可否认有时上课时我逗你们吹的啦可是我就是喜欢啊 :((

如果我有什么事我不会电话找你们啦,我facebook你们好吗?怕你们在忙,那种见不到日月的忙。可是如果你们有什么记得打电话或者sms我!我上课也玩电话的不要忘记 == 好像不打自招酱。我答应你们我每天带水瓶啦哦给?上厕所也喝水啦哦给?你们真烦!:))



应该是这样的 :') 

Jun 19, 2012

The Last & ONLY.

Had an awesome BBQ night at my house beside the swimming pool with part of my lovely classmates. WE MADE IT! guess it was the LAST & ONLY one gathering night before internship and flowing thru tears us apart. all the expenses were from the money we won during the FOODFEST, so this BBQ can consider as free of charge :) feel really upset because some of them could not make it. :( 

time flies seriously, knowing all of them were like an incident occurred yesterday. the day we are getting closer is the day we are getting apart, how cruel life is. 

for those who is going back to their hometown for internship and would not come back, I WISH THE BEST FOR YOU. even thou we might not going to meet again but i would not forget what had happened between us. 
for those who is going out station for internship, ALL THE BEST too. especially the 2 SOPOHs! 
for those who is going to flow thru to degree/BA, SEE YOU! x)

on the same night, LIQUOR TIME. once they came up from d liquor venue, i knew they are almost drunk, and hugged me then i cried directly. we shared our inner thoughts, feeling towards each other, and how reluctant to leave each other. i was seriously touched by them, they said among 4 of us, i am always the one they worried about, i feel ashamed too, because i am the eldest. the way i treat my life, i always think about others, i seem like never do something at least for myself, ONLY FOR MYSELF. yea i always trying so hard but i always failed. I SHOULD NOT GIVE UP. 

my girls, thanks for loving me like no one else, i mean friendship love. the first time i wanted to cherish our friendship so much compare to before. i mean it. you guys are different, much much more different. sorry for d comparison but i have to do so, to remind myself that i have to keep you guys in mind no matter what. lots of love. 

May 29, 2012


有些时候很多共鸣却在一瞬间化为乌有,我也不懂啦。有些话重复很多篇带来的安全感却很少,我也不懂。有些人改不了的习惯....... 还是不懂。


最近太多事情发生了,有些事不要以为我不知道,我只是觉得事不关己所以我不插手,我不揭穿也不计较,但每个人的忍耐都是有限的,相信不是每个人都会跟妥协画上等号。其实我也不知道为什么我不想知道的事会自动找上门,然后搞砸大家的气氛。只要大家知道自己在做什么就好啦 :)) 我人很好的嘻嘻嘻。


p/s: 我是没有课上才那么闲的好不好!我要继续睡觉了。zzz 

May 2, 2012

im bad.

seriously im loving my course more and more! i appreciate that i have a bunch of lovely friends and they like to explore foods so i got the chance to try out new thing, thats delicious food! even thou sometime we are running out of money but we set a day for ourself, WEDNESDAY usually we went out further from campus and explore! from the picture above, we hit BANGSAR VILLAGE. credits to Alexis, we tried out their signature i guess? Tiramisu and Mixed Fruit. god damn i thought i was in the cake wonderland! i thought the Mille Crepe i tried before was the best but there are always something beyond the best. i will be back cakes! :)))

complicated story.

 we made it :) all the ups and downs throughout the 365 days, i am a needy cry baby. lets be clear, i am not sure whether how long we can go, peoples and environment may beat us down but no matter what, i appreciate the day im being with you. TRUST is the thing im always and non stop learning. love each other like a love song :) I LOVE YOU.

Apr 6, 2012


can you freaking come to malaysia and take my money? DUH~ seriously getting addicted to korean stuff, i learn from grace&ryan for the korean glass noodles, learning how to speak korean from all the koreans classmates, (but the fastest thing we learn are all the bad words, and they always comes first i got no idea why. haha) watching korean dramas and i always do, as well as listening to korean song. i freaking trying so hard to remember all the pronounces. well, we managed to ''remember'' 0-10, and all the basic thing. hehehehehhe

neeeeeway we got so much of funny korean so called teachers around, not a prob! :DD

p/s: you still never remember something i wont forget.

Mar 26, 2012


原本以为一切顺利的出国计划,今天突然晴天霹雳的把所有都砸碎。有些事情不是我们想象的完美,不会跟着我们想要的方向走,这道理.....我懂。可是为什么就是要发生在这件事情里面。我们俩之前说好的做好的都没有用了,如今我得自己努力。当我知道了后真的晴天霹雳,和她一起哭了,也知道为什么她不能和我一起去degree。还记得她说服我去degree时的坚持和信念,YOUR DREAM IS BIGGER THAN YOUR PROBLEM,想了到底我的dream是什么,其实就不是想要去瑞士拿他们的高级文凭


人生莫过于孤独,我也懂。我也不打算改变我的选择了。哭也哭过了,现在唯有希望,不好在期望什么。:')  p/s: 我难过你还是没有陪我聊天。我懂,什么都懂。我还是想哭 :'(

Mar 24, 2012

An anniversary.

time flies, today is the day which i have been staying in KL for a year. seriously the 1st day i came, i was totally lost, a lost kid who kept running away from problems, i only rely on my hometown friends, i have a hard time trusting people when i came to this strange place. i know my character, my weakness, so i tried to change in order to know more friends, i got to be friendly and i started to know different races of friends, such as Iranian, Omar-ian, Malaysian & Indonesian for sure, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese. they are superbly cute, I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH. i cherish our friendship very much.

i been through all the ups and downs throughout this year,i cried for an uncountable numbers, i know whos always by my side when i am having problems, they know my silences, they read my mind. they can even know my mood every morning ask am i okay? well, they are just reminding me why i am not. but somehow they are still my ji muis and babes, love them very much, thank god for the chance to meet them. p/s: they are different.

HAPPY 1st ANNIVERSARY. i guess i have grown up so much!

Mar 20, 2012


最近越来越忙了怎么办怎么办,midterm 跟 presentation 一起来我真的死掉了。最后一个学期真的不是盖的,真担心degree怎样过。最近帮 Mong 庆祝生日稍微暖和了我们紧张的情绪,可是那个面无任何表情的 Mong 真的给他气死,不过跟他讲 Happy Birthday 的时候他又一直笑哦真的搞他不懂。哈哈!那天给那个爱要 JunKit 和 Michael 看来我的身份证,妈的干他们!D; 


前几天我们大家出去玩了,真的很久没有这样大家一起去玩了咯!那天看着大家慢慢等待聚在一起的时候,打电话问到哪里了在哪里了,哇那种感觉真的很难形容。只可惜少了几位可是以后出来玩又多了两位!嘻嘻嘻嘻~ 终于算是正式的meet她们而且拍照了!

就是因为这个education fair 把我们聚在一起!
甜甜呐! =p 
喜欢这张酱~ =p 

大大中中还有小小!哈哈哈哈~ 小的去北京要take care啊!:) 
那天的即可拍,遗憾自己的那架迟迟未到,TMD =S
这张是收起来不upload的可是sakaii真的很pro酱咯,可是背着我的包包笑死了。但拍出来的照片又不美哦真的是啊!所以还是算了吧 =\ 

期待下一次的聚会啊!很累酱 -.- 最近好像可以把自己的睡觉时间调回来了,反正最近很多东西做,留在学校迟迟酱下午不睡觉晚上就会很累了吧?哦给我要睡觉掰掰!

Mar 6, 2012


首先我要跟Grace讲对不起,因为我可能没有去Pangkor Laut Resort 做 Internship 了。嘻嘻~她很衰的叻一直等人家。我决定了,这个6月 diploma 毕业后我直接拿 DEGREE!重要是妈咪赞成。可是最近一直会有酒店来做 career talk,我怕我的决定会被动摇酱 -.- 不想多说,那种很想离开的感觉回来了。哦给啊可以的,如果世界末日是假的,我活的过去,顺顺利利没有意外,会受伤会死掉的那种我明年就可以离开。

我终于鼓起勇气说了我想说的东西,至少我得到的答案是支强心针。如果你真的决定不管了,我会跟随你,不再被那些感觉左右我的情绪。你要知道,那种自以为是的...................... 算了吧。我觉得酱子很恶心,不过你开心就好咯。有很多时候我其实不知道我自己在想什么要什么,想生气,却发现其实我生气什么。然后其实你不用扮到你自己那么伟大,因为我们不稀罕。

做么很emo酱?我答应很多人我不会再动不动就emo的!:))) 我多你不多,少你不少。一起当个快乐的人吧!hehehhehehe

总觉得这个sakaii变了很多。会做一些不是他风格的东西逗我笑,然后我真的笑不停。可爱的sakaiiii~ <3

Feb 23, 2012

Career Talk.

不懂是我紧张还是什么,8点的课我第一次不用闹钟就自己醒来了,可能是昨晚早睡吧,但还是一样 - 累。 去到学校有点紧张因为我10份resume还没有print -.- 吃饱遇到linda就跟她两个跑到lab去print,结果逃了30分钟的financial class... hehehehe

虽然我们已经知道10点有event要去可是突然有一个lecturer在我们上课上到一半时走进来要financial 老师 945am 放我们早点去。过后老师突然说 '' okay after doing this exercise don't go anywhere, for those who want to go to the ladies or gentle go now, but remember to come back not to go anywhere. '' 讲到好像中学 sport check 酱............. 咦不错很怀念!x))

event不错大,很多hotel都来招募我们这些人才!一些有经验的人给talk时抱歉我们是没有听的,而且我们5个在挣temple run玩... 过后我们就去拿form登记。登记了要写你选择进什么hotel做internship,看到格子里有一个叫 Pangkor Laut Resort 的东西,之前上课有老师说过那里是个环境很好很高级和神秘的地方,随便的就填了。谁知道要直接和他们的 HR 做 interview!干紧张。叫了我的名就跟着一位 HR department 的人聊天,她还叫我不要紧张,聊聊下她的一句我吓到而且我是觉得我的形象是在哪瞬间毁灭了。

'' Actually you know i can pick you now for joining our industry, i'll put you 3months at the F&B which you are interested in it and 3months at the Front Office which is your second choice after F&B. :)) ''
我惊讶到不敢相信然后很说 '' harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr serious ar? why le? so fast? '' 她就一直笑我,问我做么酱惊讶我一笑而过。过后知道 Grace 也差不多这样想到应该也是中选了吧,她说她可能会去还叫我不要放她飞机...... @@

所以我现在犹豫到半死啊!哎人生莫过于做选择 D;

Feb 18, 2012


昨天才知道这张纸今天必须交到lecturer手上,心想他妈的我只决定先做internship却还没有决定要去哪里做的喔!上完课急急脚的跑到computer lab把这张表格印出来,因为我要去哪里intern我也还没有想也算了,连print都还没有print出来才死。

拿着这张纸走回课室慢慢填,用电话上网看有什么hotel我是有兴趣的。本身是想进 F&B,因为是接近食物的,嘻嘻!如果进不到的话不是拿 front office 咯,能怎样。找找下,就找到了靠近KLCC的 Traders Hotel,回到家后 jeejee 还说那里 33楼有一个叫 SKY BAR 的餐厅很美,心想对了咯我要当那里的bar tender!尝尽那里的liquor,alcohol,cocktail & mock-tail !当然,我的表格那里就是填了这间酒店,希望一切顺利。D;



Feb 12, 2012

having FUN.

i went to support my boonboon also! <3
play lar play lar, kena scold! muahahaha =p
promised Michael that i would be attending his 1st dinner service so i did it. he should belanja as i was taking risk to walk back home around 11pm. the dinner was pretty funny because we kept making fool of him, complain this and that, but he was just too nice to be bullied. ONLY DURING HIS SERVICE ofcoz because the service is their weekly achievement something like assignment but marks is given, so he was quite serious that night but still, Mr Raja still said he needs to be more serious. and then HE FREAKING BACK HOME AND TELL ME THAT ALL BECAUSE OF ME -.- duhhh ~ 

went 1U with my lovely roommates. you know what, its actually pretty fun doing silly acts with them. loving them more and more :))

p/s: i believe you can, convince as well as proof me that i am right, okay?

Feb 8, 2012

PH again...

you said coming back or not is my choice, and now you blame that i didnt back for dinner, what do you want from me? -.- forget about it.

spent my 4days of PH in nilai. hahah you know what, staying there was like a lazy people, so peaceful there, so convenience because all the food stalls just right downstair of the sakai's apartment. seriously if i were studying there, i probably gain more and more weight, damn all the food is just ....... NICE. during the stay i met more and more of his friends, of course, knowing them more and more.....

went hair treatment with linda before heading to nilai, i look so mature. 
by the time i got back to home, my hair look more natural :))
WE ALMOST FIGHT. -.- muahahahah. 
thanks for the accompanied :)) 

whatcha gonna do? try to be more appreciate for everything i am having now. :)


Feb 2, 2012

过完年了 -.-


这次的新年是我过过最不可思议的。第一次觉得新年不重要,能回家就好。第一次年30晚那么开心一家人一起吃饭。第一次觉得初一在关丹就很闷!第一次新年一套贺年片都没有看到。第一次初一就跟一班朋友一起去拜年。第一次在朋友面前喝到那么醉。第一次跟上跟下,整个跟班酱却跟到很开心 -。-


Jan 17, 2012




虽然在迎接这个所谓‘最后一个学期’的时候已经做了最坏的打算,这5个月会非常艰苦跟压力。可是万万都没有想到9点的第一节课就是我们最重要的一科,IP. 今天只是简单的briefing我就不明白很多东西,不是我不专心可是真的不明白!然后给新年功课哦几岁了还假期功课!

Beverage Studies 还算可以舒缓我的心情因为老师很好笑,2个小时我们都笑不停,可是万一今天他是这样而已,迟点真正上课又另外一个样就够力。Higher Intermediate Business English 是最死的!找到老 george 教我们怎么可能听课叻,真干!然后第一天就有功课了!

3点到5点那个也很死。自己的AA教严肃到.......... 讲课又闷,3点正是睡午觉的好时候。我想我很久没有在班上睡觉了,结果自己真的顶不顺倒下几次,他妈的。然后盖自己几巴就继续挨下去,干他这科是真的。什么屁 costing, purchasing & merchandising, 听起来都难了,他再讲下去真的会挂酱。-。-


人生。拿好成绩此时此刻对我来说已经不是什么开心事了。:((((( 我可以跟谁诉苦............... 

Jan 12, 2012

很快酱 D;

最后一个学期了!最后一个学期了!真他妈的快,想想下,读到四月就term break, 六月考试然后就真的告别我diploma的生活了,又要继续无所事事?不知道会被派去哪里internship叻?要不要做internship先才念degree叻?还是念了才做?人生莫过于烦这个字。好想赶快开学啦全部人都开学了剩我酱孤伶伶干闷!


Jan 5, 2012


总之,对不起,那些关心我的人。对于我忽冷忽热的态度........ 我就是这样。越是靠近,躲的越远。