Aug 30, 2011



this is the most complicated month i ever had.


Aug 27, 2011


i can't even think rationally. these few days were like a nightmare, i was feelin' damn hard, until i took beer with my roommates. initially i thought it would help, i fall asleep at the playground around 1am, i stayed up until 5am, i could not fall asleep at all. my world was like completely dark, how i hope devil takes me away, i don't feel like staying alive, feel like dying, stand at the middle of the road. but, what is the point of doing so? it only course me suffer, like hell.

i don't know how many times i cried, just suddenly thinking of you by a song. I MISS YOU HELL MUCH!! i don't know why on earth am i using my phone again, because by all the time i only texting with you. but guess you won't feel like me as you have a lot of people waiting to text with you so you won't feel boring.

i hope thru this incident i would probably learn something, but i am afraid i would fall again.

you said you miss me, a lot.


Aug 23, 2011



为什么人可以做这样的事? 难道不会觉得很羞耻吗? 感觉不奇怪吗? 说实话我真的不想讨厌你,但你自己就收敛一点不行吗? 我真的很不喜欢很不喜欢这样的感觉。我说过那并不是一切,我希望你能知道你自己在做什么。

林先生升级当舅舅啦!! BB真的超可爱的!! Eelynn姐姐 take care yaaa! :))

p/s: only you.
thanks to your family


Aug 14, 2011

或许是我自己的问题,但 who cares?

p/s: 我害怕,所以想沉淀在你的声音里。


Aug 12, 2011

look here!

TANLAYSAN HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! i wonder why 3 of us get closer and closer everytime, and 3 of us are best friend now! :)) and you know what, i found out that actually 3 of us were born in A SAME MONTH, awwwwwwww i love August no matter what. anyway, sweet 18th sopoh! thanks for being with me when i was completely down. love yaaaaaaaaaa~

went WongKok restaurant to have lunch together, the sopoh like feeling very proud of treating us the big milk tea and keep showing off her IC. but too bad we all laughed at her, because of her face on her IC. soooooo sorehhhhhh babe! muahahahahhahah.

went to tropicana city mall to catch a movie with xinyao. this is completely a random idea came across my mind, since both of us felt damnnnnn boring. the movie time started at 920pm, i got this idea at 830pm. so i was like, xinyao, do you want to go for a movie? since we have car to use so we were like WHY NOT? LETS GO WITH NO HESITATING! muahahahhaha. anyway, i love this feel. and we got a quite nice seats during our movie. x)) then we went starbucks which located at SS2, a very nice atmosphere and again i saw my seniors, wth i was like damansara is quite small btw. ==''

i wonder how will TLS respond for the thingy we readied! :))

p/s: once i view all the pics and i started missing you like.........? this is all the pics fault. :)


Aug 9, 2011


八月简直就是一个字,!! 其实我还算愿意,如果不忙的话,我就会很无聊,然后想东想西的。这个月就像是我们的服务月,星期三做午餐,serve午餐,星期五做dinner,serve 晚餐。两边都超级辛苦,晚餐的serving procedures简直不是普通人能顶的,这个星期五被assign做waiteress了啦,还希望能继续做bartender超爽的! 怎么办这次真的要一手端几个碟子碗子了... 够力够力~


怎样忙还是要准备考试,我的天啊,我们这个月死鬼那么忙然后告诉我们22号就是mid term你以为我是机器啊??!! 真的很累!!

其实再怎么累,这几次做的东西,例如是我做的甜品,刚刚做的,成绩出来让我真的还蛮满意,然后就觉得一切都值得。虽然这次的甜品不是我做了,可是我还是有recipe,等我回家慢慢发挥,朋友们你们有口福啦!! :)) 加上是月尾回家,这几个星期的recipe的甜品我做定了!! hehehehehe :))

p/s: 你一句吃饱了吗? 我就觉得很窝心了。

明天serve午餐去!! 加油~


Aug 5, 2011

the briefing.

9am sharp mr gabriel came and brief us about the HK trip. damn i thought our trip suppose to be a 1WEEK trip like what the introducer said to me before i enroll myself to the course. during the briefing brought me some good news but of course there are some bad news too.

1. we are departing from malaysia at the afternoon. wtf the process for group check in must be very slow then guess the time we touching down in HK should be at the night around 10pm.
2. we can't go out at the night. LOL! Tristan should not have asked this question because this is an issue of our own!
3. the time we depart from HK also at the afternoon!! WTF we don't have enough time to spend!
4. our room is in charge by the travel agent, so we will be our roommate is not decided by us. ==

1. WE ARE NOT GOING BY AIR ASIA!! phewwwwwwwwww~~~ I LOVE CATHAY PACIFIC! blablabla.
2. beside DisneyLand, mr Gab would bring us to the SHOPPING PARADISE!! anyone wants me to buy anything from there? muahahahha :))

今天算是几个星期来晚餐最饱,最丰富,最完整的一餐。虽然是迟了可是还蛮温馨的~ 有饭也有汤,谢谢你们~ 真的很饱很饱.. 但这餐也换来4个星期不能看到你~还是我喜欢喝的西洋菜汤~ ><

p/s: 做人知足就好~


Aug 2, 2011


tomorrow is going to be my 1st time serving customers! ARGHHHH!! how can my left hand carry 4 plates and above? how can my left hand carry 5 glasses of water and above?

i am really really really nervous!!!!!! WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO, who i can tell? who can really understand my feeling? ARGH SIGH.

p/s: these two days....... is okay.


Aug 1, 2011


仿佛才跟七月打招呼不久,今天竟然是8月的第一天了。很好,处于孤独的状态这个月需维持2个星期,而且是鬼节叻!! 第一次鬼节不在自己温暖的家,喂我真的怕死了!!! 啊现实就是那么不公平。

昨天11点醒来,结果又睡回,睡到3点又醒来,这轮饿了,就和文倩欣瑶去找吃的。在uptown转了一圈,结果去到tropicana mall吃,那时都快5点了。所以我们的三餐就在那个时候搞定!! 不过我们觉得肯定会再饿,然后就去了ss17打包糖水,告诉你这个糖水超好喝!!! 自助式一碗才 RM1.80!! 哪里还有这样价钱的糖水 =='' 而且在 tropicana mall 走时还看到同班的 Grace, Ruixin and Sharon, 但自己穿着邋遢,啊丢脸 ==''

今天那两个大白痴 真是会做人没有给我看到他,不然我就瞪死他们!! LOL 去office找 mr eddie 时他不懂哪里死了害我走上走下很累人叻!! 我发誓我不会再去找老师了,而且在 mr din 办公室看到 senior 哇够力歹势,狼狈到一个点。但今天有个 junior 竟然认得我然后跟我打招呼,哇好自豪~ ==''

昨天早上接到阿贝的电话整个人傻掉了,想必你一定不习惯对吧? hmmm :( 考试加油!! 我请你看C.A! :))

p/s: 又 zomok 我的头好痛!!!
