Aug 5, 2011

the briefing.

9am sharp mr gabriel came and brief us about the HK trip. damn i thought our trip suppose to be a 1WEEK trip like what the introducer said to me before i enroll myself to the course. during the briefing brought me some good news but of course there are some bad news too.

1. we are departing from malaysia at the afternoon. wtf the process for group check in must be very slow then guess the time we touching down in HK should be at the night around 10pm.
2. we can't go out at the night. LOL! Tristan should not have asked this question because this is an issue of our own!
3. the time we depart from HK also at the afternoon!! WTF we don't have enough time to spend!
4. our room is in charge by the travel agent, so we will be our roommate is not decided by us. ==

1. WE ARE NOT GOING BY AIR ASIA!! phewwwwwwwwww~~~ I LOVE CATHAY PACIFIC! blablabla.
2. beside DisneyLand, mr Gab would bring us to the SHOPPING PARADISE!! anyone wants me to buy anything from there? muahahahha :))

今天算是几个星期来晚餐最饱,最丰富,最完整的一餐。虽然是迟了可是还蛮温馨的~ 有饭也有汤,谢谢你们~ 真的很饱很饱.. 但这餐也换来4个星期不能看到你~还是我喜欢喝的西洋菜汤~ ><

p/s: 做人知足就好~


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