Apr 7, 2010


limtaolimtaolimtaolimtao, Happy Birthday. hope you do like the little celebrate party :)))
photos are processing, stay-tunned. loll

since i saw lingling wrote about me, well, lets write for her as a return ;)

i think i had knew her for years, 2 or 3 perhaps? :) seriously, shes very nice indeed, same argument that if you respect her, and she will done something to pay off like treating you more nicely, yes i mean it. the every nice moment we spent usually when we enrolled ourself into a camp or some special occasion, and so we will play, talk jokes till insane. we will greet each other by calling LingLing to her, and LengLeng to me, thats a bit childish maybe, but don't doubt, thats our way! despite we seldom share our inner thoughts together but i convinced that our friendship will last forever ;)))

registered something new, show it soon. loll

p/s: can i have one more chance to recall back it all? it is very precious to me. begging..

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