Apr 10, 2010

crazy friday

yeah, its friday! waiting yunyee started from 12pm, she finally reached my house around 2pm. i do think this little gathering perhaps? we didn't talk much about inner thoughts but we were like having party and idling around, and of course keep narcissist. :))) we've been long time never meet, yet we were like trying to keep more memories between us before she go to kayL to further her studies.
we ordered pizza since her stomach felt a bit hungry and of course mine
so yeah, it was our lunch :)) i went bath after lunch and comedy tv program so i left her downstair to upload her pic. then she did me a favor of making my hair. after that, NARCISSIST!!! :)))
okay, due to the last pic above of her, i didn't know what happen to her actually. she had been uploading her photos since she came to my house, but the photo she uploaded were facing problem. i tried to ask her whether she clicked the wrong layout but she said no. eventually she found out that she did really changed the layout thats why all the photo were going to the wrong way. oh she! loll :p

anyway, looking forward to build memories again!! :))))

au revoir. ♥

WHATTHEHELLyou're getting serious!!

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