Jun 10, 2010


here goes some of the photo which are related to my post below :)) enjoy..

met nillie up BY CHANCE!!
with my dearest rommate - HUIWEN <3>
the cutest and sweetest in our group :))
hes definitely a sissy. LOL but we just love his passion :))
here comes the first 督导, 明彰 :))
quite en-tao de 督导, ahh pekkk (nickname) LMAO
with TV2's news reporter, 胡慧君 :))
同乡's gang, 齐王!!
the responsible partner :)) 阿嘉 :))
the friendly gold fish. LOL 欣瑜 :))
see, our DATO wee ka siong. ngekngekngek

p/s: just part of the photos. kindly access to my facebook to see more :DD

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