May 16, 2010


i have absented for 2 tuitions today. god, the most regret was account tuition, steady can learn at least somethings when there are not crowded at all. plus i've got something to discuss with yuinrou, i was like argh. followed my parents to ktn just now, do nothing! darned it.

shit, i saw you online and i've remember everything again. the purposes especially. I HATE YOU. i know you gather and TALK ABOUT IT. i know you got that he falls asleep then you DISCUSS TOGETHER. argh, ALL OF YOU!! (strictly prohibited of pigeon-holing :))

cam cam with dear yunyee just now, i just miss her lots! hughughug*

night people.
au revoir.

1 comment:

LenGz said...

这句话好!但我不是很明白,不好意思 ><