May 25, 2010


okay, i have a lot '' elehhhhhhhhh '' or '' alehhhhhheeee ''.
the very first elehhhhhhhhh is to my gor, you know what, his flight to shanghai has canceled, i was like sweat -.-, sweatiness, how come the company didn't give any prior notice to passenger? so irresponsible lor wehhh ><

second, alehhhhheeee to my mom. everytime when she return home from work, she used to open the mailbox to check whether got letter inside. but today she didn't!! and then the slip from post-laju leave it there until i was awake from nap around 6pm, that time i was like just wanna try my luck and see whether the postman came before, and the answer was YES!! the postman came around 11.20am. but there was nobody at home that time, SOB ><

seee, i made mistake just now, not DHL actually, and i guess DHL is something
too high class. LOL

nowaynowaynoway!! i am going tomorrow!!

p/s: chatting with annie via fb chat box :)))))

au revoir.

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