Jan 28, 2010

#2 exam

went on P.Moral and BC-K1 today. for the moral exam, we did what we usual did. zz guess it you should nearly know what do i mean for USUAL. BC-K2 afterwards, wrote something like enlightenment instead of an announcement. i do think that was much more easier for me perhaps. right on, wrote another article in the section B that we needed to choose one among the five. know what, i do always like to challenge something special, unique or difficult. even i cant did really well on it, but at least got passable of that.

wrote 十七岁的心声. after i've see the title, i can very sure that I WANT TO WRITE THIS. but slowly of thinking the points, i'd ever wanted to stop writing and choose for another, but i've insisted for that and try more HARDER to find more points :) i keep on writing.. every inner thoughts in my heart, i wrote it. i know i might digress, but at least i've tried my best. show you some of my writing that i remember..


我们,就是将面临人生重要关卡的战士.... blablabla.

so theres my words. not really remember very very well, so maybe just a sneak peek of that ;) bless me, rob! ;)

au revoir pee.

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