i hate the MR CJIE LIM who keeps countdown the day we have to leave. kinda feel like a bit reluctant when they were discussing what daily appliances to buy. blankets, pails to put shirts especially doing laundry, arghhhhhhhhhh, have to spend money again!
after getting my debit cards and i told myself please control, control and control!! everyone asks me why don't i apply for a credit supplementary card from my dad, i did think of it but the card belongs to my dad is a platinum and the limit is RM25K, ohhh no way to me! i afraid i would buy a pile of shirts and dresses, and ofcoz the camera. god no way! so i think a debit card is way enough for me.
going kayL tomorrow to check out my campus's student house. wish me luck, i want a good roommate as i think i couldn't make it to stay with yingying, yuenling and xinyao. :(( i just want a good roommate.
annyeonghii people!
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