May 30, 2010


idk stand for i-don't-know. i don't know why am i so stupid for waiting, from dawn to dusk. i don't know why am i so stupid for forgiving, i don't know why am i so stupid for so easy-satisfied. i really don't know, i can't help too.

when i have confirmed the news from myself, my sight, my feel, maybe i should stop waiting. YES DEFINITELY I SHOULD, although i don't like watching such scene. i just could not believe that you can ''recover'' that fast. yet i am laughing of my stupidness :)

backbackback. yeaaaa, left 4 papers and i can merdeka again!! going kayL for shopping!! x)))

p/s: remind me. stop clicking the link, stop knowing both of you. stop everything. remind me. no more calls, no more sms. remind me.

feel like you're hurting me.

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