Dec 13, 2008


today.. woke up around 1pm. loll
and i felt very fresh, maybe both of my brothers stay kuantan for the whole week.
and no buddy fight with me for the toilet. ahah
and i could be the temporary of the anak tunggal for my parents. XD

well, i bought a book and i am willing to read until finish it.
and before that, i am really put lotsa expectation on it. huhu~

yay, i owned this book!! ;)

after i had my breakfast, my mum back.
and she called my name, ohh. i got a letter. and she asked me to take it.
while i walking towards her to get my letter,
i am just wondering who will send a letter to me during this season.
and wrote my chinese name on the letter. hmm.
and i thought it was my friend.
oh, after i take it. its from UCSCAM.

well, what it means?

'' United Chinese Shool Committees' Association of Malaysia ''
马来西亚华校董事联合会总会 (董总)

so i recall back i attended a camp which organize by this company last year.
and inside were a piece of questionnaire of the day we fill in and also the result.
inside there had 26 questions and i corrected 24. not bad. ahah.
somemore was my answer that question was '' what will you do in the rest of 2years''
after i read, i couldn't believe that i answered that. ahah
well, i also expected that they will send more to us. i means like return it back to us.

so, havin novel.

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