Mar 22, 2010

Don't Know What Happen To My Sidebar!

why will it went down to the bottom? i wonder. hols ended fatigue-ly. ehkm. panda eyes, eye bags everything came out in once. i slept in class for few lessons, i am sorry. loll some of my 92's friends have went outstation to further their studies, and it makes me keep discussing with my classmates in class.
i recall something then ask weenie whether she is interested or not, she said yes. :)) thats to apply to be an exchange student , sounds cool right? loll yes, its quite cool. there are certain countries can be choose, but there are also terms to apply to certain countries like you must know basic language of the country. i am still deciding but i knew the closing date is drawing near. cheewee told me that she had applied to italy and now she is waiting for the confirmation. by the way, our interests and destinations are always the same, lollll :))) weenie, i am waiting for you too. gonna write down the website for her <3

p/s: i wanna leave. zz as far as possible. hope my summer break's vacation will come true! ENGLAND, i am coming :)

au revoir.

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