凯琳回家啦!! 怪老爸告诉妈咪我要回来了,所以当我站在门口时妈咪没有露出很高兴的样子,只是在哪里暗笑,哇哈哈哈哈。
回到家第一时间 飞上房间开冷气,我的天啊我一个月没有享受冷气了咯真的。房间也空了很多,也许之前部分的杂物都被我扫走了,然后我想妈咪在家无聊时也帮我收拾了一下吧。 房间那么整齐我还真有一丁点儿不习惯,真是个怪胎,我的洁癖不会是我的房间,反而房间有一点乱才是房间,歪理对吧? hmmmm
回到家的感觉,第一觉得时间过得很快。第二觉得诶,好像回到一个月前的我,无所事事,在等着开学。但唯一不一样的是........ 我的facebook,短期内add了很多人,我的一班新同学呐! :)) 想必他们也出去''湿''了吧,Tristen 那个人驾车很快的叻.......... =='' 上次说好了有假期就带你们来玩,你们这些大城市应该要来我们这里看看,哈哈哈! :))
今晚有节目,对的啦,回来就是要出去才是嘛,谁会一直呆在家里? :))
Apr 29, 2011
MUAHAHAHAH! 之前紧张到我 .... 剩半条命,不 PASS 就要重听,重考。每位 SHTCA 的学生们一定要有这个执照才可以进这个 industry,然后还有一支针要打,打针啊!!!!! 我说天啊,打针叻.. 想起几个月前连续打了3支针.. 还打在手臂的同一个位置.. 辛苦~
今天幸运的 FOM 又取消,还想继续练习 opera system,要在七分钟内搞定,我必须多练习,不然考试我就死翘翘! 10点放学后他们就去tropicana mall 看电影,我没有跟去,结果一个两个来跟我拥抱,弄到我都快哭了,我又不是没有回来啦!! 一个两个大笨蛋...........
今天幸运的 FOM 又取消,还想继续练习 opera system,要在七分钟内搞定,我必须多练习,不然考试我就死翘翘! 10点放学后他们就去tropicana mall 看电影,我没有跟去,结果一个两个来跟我拥抱,弄到我都快哭了,我又不是没有回来啦!! 一个两个大笨蛋...........
那个 Tristen 简直就是贪吃猫!! 昨天带糖今天带这个,好久没有吃了!! 结果,也是整班都在吃.. muahahah~
往大门走时看到 ah boon,跟我玩LC,bleksssss。然后 Marc 也往我这里走来,他还蛮高的,所以他在我前面时我的头要小抬一下才看到他,然后他的手又往我的头发哪里刷.... 头发都给他拨乱了.... 然后还说 '' wahahaha, my hand is full of the chicken smell......... '' 什么??!! 原来刚才他们上课煮鸡肉.. 很无奈的跟他讲再见.. 就回家了。
改明天了! :))
我很饿,也想睡觉 ==''
改明天了! :))
我很饿,也想睡觉 ==''
Apr 28, 2011
昨天的PDP幸运的好过,但她花很多时间在介绍我们,难过! =='' 好玩的就是在介绍过后她好CA的男生选我们HT的一位女生做partner,然后 Naim 就快快说 Riki 跟思颖,Izumi 跟我,哼当时我是超级的兴 奋,哇哈哈哈!! 可是想到Linda... 然后Shafri又来找我,所以就给Linda跟Izumi,我跟Shafri。认识他们更深一层,然后一直爆笑,可爱的同胞啊...... Izumi 时不时就漏口说马来文,然后一直被罚款,笑到........ muahah! 还有那个Riki,问lecturer可不可以有两个partner,她就问Riki哪里找两个,然后他就直接搭着我跟思颖的肩膀,真的是啊! 还有跟Marc也玩起来了... :DD
今天午休去cafe午餐,CA的家伙也一起来搭桌子,超头痛的我也被他们的搞笑弄到忘记了。 Izumi 和Shafri 坐丽珊旁边,Riki 和Marc坐我和Linda的中间,所以分了两派! Shafri 好心又被骗去捐钱,然后拿两粒Cupcakes 回来,卖相不错,可是还是没有人吃! muahahahha~ 手上拿着Seven的华语报纸,想着他每天都买报纸看,不然拿他的算了,省一点! 好坏~ muahahahah~ Riki又不懂做么抢我报纸然后我就教他读头版的一个句子 '' 做大事不求做大官 '' 他一直读,一直读,一直读,把我笑的肚子痛!! 然后还一直跟 Marc 炫耀,笑到............................. Riki 真的很可爱!! =='' 然后Marc就讲不要以为他很可爱,什么东西都乱乱放,尤其是电话。然后要走了的时候突然间...
''EHH? where is my phone? (Riki)
''Ahhhhh see, phone again! (Marc)
'' alaaaaaaaaaaaaa, where did i put?!! (Riki)
真 的被他打败了.. 还有他们全部BB kaki 叻... 好好。可是他们两个还是抢我的电话玩game,还斗,无聊! :DD 在听别人讲话时就轻靠在 Marc 的手,可是突然间他的手一动,就打到我的眼睛,道歉了还是要刷我的头发才甘愿,气到.... 不过他教我他们打招呼的方法,先握手然后拇指交叉,放,然后拳头对拳头! heheheheheh 学会了!! 他们已经没有课了所以就送他们去大门,Linda还把 Izumi 的手机藏起来,Riki 却是Izumi 逼供的对象,Riki 一句Indonesia的腔问Izumi '' YOU DON'T TRUST ME RIGHT??!! '' 笑,还是笑!! muahahahah~ Marc 跟我就假假打电话然后指Riki的裤带,可是最后Linda自己在那里笑,完蛋,他知道了! muahahah~ 然后教 Marc 说 再见! hohohoho ;)))
今天午休去cafe午餐,CA的家伙也一起来搭桌子,超头痛的我也被他们的搞笑弄到忘记了。 Izumi 和Shafri 坐丽珊旁边,Riki 和Marc坐我和Linda的中间,所以分了两派! Shafri 好心又被骗去捐钱,然后拿两粒Cupcakes 回来,卖相不错,可是还是没有人吃! muahahahha~ 手上拿着Seven的华语报纸,想着他每天都买报纸看,不然拿他的算了,省一点! 好坏~ muahahahah~ Riki又不懂做么抢我报纸然后我就教他读头版的一个句子 '' 做大事不求做大官 '' 他一直读,一直读,一直读,把我笑的肚子痛!! 然后还一直跟 Marc 炫耀,笑到............................. Riki 真的很可爱!! =='' 然后Marc就讲不要以为他很可爱,什么东西都乱乱放,尤其是电话。然后要走了的时候突然间...
''EHH? where is my phone? (Riki)
''Ahhhhh see, phone again! (Marc)
'' alaaaaaaaaaaaaa, where did i put?!! (Riki)
真 的被他打败了.. 还有他们全部BB kaki 叻... 好好。可是他们两个还是抢我的电话玩game,还斗,无聊! :DD 在听别人讲话时就轻靠在 Marc 的手,可是突然间他的手一动,就打到我的眼睛,道歉了还是要刷我的头发才甘愿,气到.... 不过他教我他们打招呼的方法,先握手然后拇指交叉,放,然后拳头对拳头! heheheheheh 学会了!! 他们已经没有课了所以就送他们去大门,Linda还把 Izumi 的手机藏起来,Riki 却是Izumi 逼供的对象,Riki 一句Indonesia的腔问Izumi '' YOU DON'T TRUST ME RIGHT??!! '' 笑,还是笑!! muahahahah~ Marc 跟我就假假打电话然后指Riki的裤带,可是最后Linda自己在那里笑,完蛋,他知道了! muahahah~ 然后教 Marc 说 再见! hohohoho ;)))
Apr 26, 2011
da biannnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
ARGHHH! seriously i have never been sooooo upset about my college day! Mr Thomas, could you please don't go back to Germany? =='' i don't want Ms Wong to be our PDP lecturer wehhh. got our new time table again this morning, PDP on Tuesday has removed and added on to Thursday that would merge with Culinary Arts students. altho we know them but really don't feel like merging, kinda weird.
Ms Wong got into our class after Mr Hor class and said wanna give us a small briefing, and bla bla bla...
1. you will either like me or hate me.
2. if i don't do that on you all, i don't know who will.
3. FOM class should be dressing in formal attire, i will talk to your lecturer.
4. NO FOREIGN languags! if i heard any except english, you will be fine.
5. Girls, you should dress professional, please tied your hair up and make your fringe look tidy.
6. Guys, i don't want you guys to cover half of your face, go and have a hair cut!
7. please no short pants, no mini skirt! ( SIAPE TAK TAU? =='' )
8. my class before is with formal attire on WEDNESDAY, i know you guys are on MONDAY, but please dress with formal on WEDNESDAY also.
9. i would accept girls with high heel min in 1-2''.
10. i am more emphasize on punctuality, please be in the class before i sack you out.
WHATDAHECK?!! she spoke this kind of stuffs out! okay, shes pretty but doesn't mean everything. fed up! the worse was our FOM lecturer haven't ask us to dress formal during his class, when do she has the right to ask us to do so since shes only our PDP lecturer which doesn't have exam in our final? hohhhhhh. and we have to dress formal on MONDAY and the stupid WEDNESDAY! kind of bullshittt......... arghhhhhhhhhhhh~
Ms Wong got into our class after Mr Hor class and said wanna give us a small briefing, and bla bla bla...
1. you will either like me or hate me.
2. if i don't do that on you all, i don't know who will.
3. FOM class should be dressing in formal attire, i will talk to your lecturer.
4. NO FOREIGN languags! if i heard any except english, you will be fine.
5. Girls, you should dress professional, please tied your hair up and make your fringe look tidy.
6. Guys, i don't want you guys to cover half of your face, go and have a hair cut!
7. please no short pants, no mini skirt! ( SIAPE TAK TAU? =='' )
8. my class before is with formal attire on WEDNESDAY, i know you guys are on MONDAY, but please dress with formal on WEDNESDAY also.
9. i would accept girls with high heel min in 1-2''.
10. i am more emphasize on punctuality, please be in the class before i sack you out.
WHATDAHECK?!! she spoke this kind of stuffs out! okay, shes pretty but doesn't mean everything. fed up! the worse was our FOM lecturer haven't ask us to dress formal during his class, when do she has the right to ask us to do so since shes only our PDP lecturer which doesn't have exam in our final? hohhhhhh. and we have to dress formal on MONDAY and the stupid WEDNESDAY! kind of bullshittt......... arghhhhhhhhhhhh~
it was like a MESS this morning! totally fed up. when i was changing and my hair was still in a wet condition, my phone suddenly rang and got a message from San, that Front Office Management class had called off, which mean don't have class at 8am. i was like WTF at that moment, if the message come earlier so i could still sleep for an hour since i fall asleep quite late at the night, because of my lovely roommate! muahahaha :))
but since i had almost done everything so i just pack my stuffs up and walk to college, i was damn blur until never watch out of cars, but i remember there was NO CAR!! oh well forget about it, reached cafe and meet with them, damn i was sweating, so i just suggested them to go to the lab and enjoy air cond and i really wish to sleep.
in conjunction with the star chef Bobby Chin thingy, we went to the auditorium hall to attend his demo cooking show. but seriously it was boring, everyone was yawning so do i. the show ended around 1130am and we kept convince Ms Lopez to cancel english class but she stood film! so we leave SAD. again after our slow motion of lunch we went to the lab again, what to do? FB. 2pm like seriously fast, we went to P1 to meet her but after taking the attendance she asked us to stand up and follow her, guess what? she leaded us to the auditorium hall again, to watch the second session of cooking demo for sure. this time i was not letting any sleeping chance to flew away! i slept during the show.
after when i was awake........... this is what we do to pass time..... :))
but since i had almost done everything so i just pack my stuffs up and walk to college, i was damn blur until never watch out of cars, but i remember there was NO CAR!! oh well forget about it, reached cafe and meet with them, damn i was sweating, so i just suggested them to go to the lab and enjoy air cond and i really wish to sleep.
in conjunction with the star chef Bobby Chin thingy, we went to the auditorium hall to attend his demo cooking show. but seriously it was boring, everyone was yawning so do i. the show ended around 1130am and we kept convince Ms Lopez to cancel english class but she stood film! so we leave SAD. again after our slow motion of lunch we went to the lab again, what to do? FB. 2pm like seriously fast, we went to P1 to meet her but after taking the attendance she asked us to stand up and follow her, guess what? she leaded us to the auditorium hall again, to watch the second session of cooking demo for sure. this time i was not letting any sleeping chance to flew away! i slept during the show.
after when i was awake........... this is what we do to pass time..... :))
Apr 24, 2011
原来好几天没有update了.. 之前打开了可是却扔在一旁,不知道要写些什么,然后要睡觉时,就关掉了。
星期五那天给Raf的生日惊喜成功了,吓到他了,珊也在那天送他要的球鞋给他,爽了咯? muahahah! 可是有些事情,还是不能勉强的,有待跟他们两个谈谈,咬咬耳朵。
星期六那天,莹不在,我跟囧就发威啦!! 一句,要出去吗? 再一句,好咯! 换衣就走,果然是周末,排队买戏票还真的排长龙,开始还以为会没有位子,谁知道还给我们买到不错的。途中还遇到很多人,上着电梯突然有人 ''oiiiiiiiiii '' 我,一看原来是国鸿,真的吓到!! 然后时间快到了,就去买pop corn吃,突然又有人轻打我背后,一看原来是智微,哇! 想念她咯真的,原来她也是来看戏的,同一个时间可是不同电影。很好,进戏院是又看到ahh Gorr.. 可是他看不到我.. :((
The Roommate 好看,至少好看过 Scre4m, 虽然还是一样变态,一样白痴,一样蠢,不过真的好很多,哈哈! 然后饿了............ 就带囧去龙的传人吃拉面.. 她还蛮喜欢的哦! ;))
星期五那天给Raf的生日惊喜成功了,吓到他了,珊也在那天送他要的球鞋给他,爽了咯? muahahah! 可是有些事情,还是不能勉强的,有待跟他们两个谈谈,咬咬耳朵。
星期六那天,莹不在,我跟囧就发威啦!! 一句,要出去吗? 再一句,好咯! 换衣就走,果然是周末,排队买戏票还真的排长龙,开始还以为会没有位子,谁知道还给我们买到不错的。途中还遇到很多人,上着电梯突然有人 ''oiiiiiiiiii '' 我,一看原来是国鸿,真的吓到!! 然后时间快到了,就去买pop corn吃,突然又有人轻打我背后,一看原来是智微,哇! 想念她咯真的,原来她也是来看戏的,同一个时间可是不同电影。很好,进戏院是又看到ahh Gorr.. 可是他看不到我.. :((
The Roommate 好看,至少好看过 Scre4m, 虽然还是一样变态,一样白痴,一样蠢,不过真的好很多,哈哈! 然后饿了............ 就带囧去龙的传人吃拉面.. 她还蛮喜欢的哦! ;))
今天我们去赴huiken的约啦。盘山过海,搭了cab去LRT站然后只坐一站去kelana jaya meet 莹,因为没有cab的关系我们迟到了,可是还是平安的到达,见到莹了就一起搭巴士去sunway! ;)) 我好久没有去啦....... 可是又怎样??!! 又是window shopping,那一刻心好痛,看到喜欢的衣可是不能买!! :(( 当问了huiken在哪里然后我们去找他,他看到我们时就一直挥手。他的一句话,让我觉得时间真的非...常....快。'' 我最后一次看到你们是那天考BIO,就到现在了 '' 哇,那一刻,心纠结了一下,那天大家还在为SPM奋斗.......
也许昨天23号是他的生日的关系,他决定请我们吃东西,然后我们又选择了Dragon - i。当时的谈话,笑容,久违了。然后也一大班一起去看电影..... 看完电影都8点多了,在逛一下,看他们男生买东西,然后就找路口回了... 可是我不争气,看到冰淇淋还是忍不住跑去买,刚好Haagan Daaz 是在大门旁,他们就快回去了,虽然站他们比较远,可是还是把手举高,大大力的挥,然后说拜拜.................
又是一个开心的周末! :)) 间接谢谢huiken... ;))
也许昨天23号是他的生日的关系,他决定请我们吃东西,然后我们又选择了Dragon - i。当时的谈话,笑容,久违了。然后也一大班一起去看电影..... 看完电影都8点多了,在逛一下,看他们男生买东西,然后就找路口回了... 可是我不争气,看到冰淇淋还是忍不住跑去买,刚好Haagan Daaz 是在大门旁,他们就快回去了,虽然站他们比较远,可是还是把手举高,大大力的挥,然后说拜拜.................
又是一个开心的周末! :)) 间接谢谢huiken... ;))
Apr 21, 2011
这次突然想讲人,身边的人。:)) 最近的莫过于那两个,叶颖莹和阿囧! 近这几个晚上我们三个会突然一起趴在床上聊天,啊不然激动起来就哭,大家都想家了吧。不过,最想的应该是我,不知不觉做kayL人也当了1个月,还真酸甜苦辣啊!! 有时候很佩服自己,那么压力我也一天一天撑下去,然后现在觉得一个星期很快就过了,就这样一个月过去了。
学校里,不只是认识了自己的coursemates, 也有同一个department的朋友,Culinary Arts. 不要小看他们,他们的成绩是非一般的好,可是为什么他们选这科呢? 就是因为他们是跟兴趣跑,没有压力。第一次跟他们一起AA Meeting时是before field trip 的一个 briefing ,全部自我介绍。不过说真的还没有真正知道他们的名字,因为自我介绍时就只是说 '' Hiiiiii, 我是xxx, 叫我xx就可以了'' 所以我就只记得小名。
首先有Ah Boon啦,Debbie,Ah Chan,Chengcheng,Simon,Anchor,Shafri,Rickie,Marc啦,Ivan啦,还有Izumi!! 天啊,帅哥一个,典型混血帅哥,今天也一起午餐,因为Raf 跟 Naim 逃课,死鬼他们! 丽珊跟我好像花痴一样,每次一看到izumi就疯狂,哇哈哈哈!! 我们跟他讲华语他会听的,啊因为他是华裔混巫裔。可是你看到izumi笑你会跟着笑,哈哈哈哈!! 死花痴.. :)) 给 Naim 知道了结果每次看到Izumi就一直被开玩笑.. 尴尬到死。muahahah!
明天是我们的RAF生日呀! 会给他来个惊喜。当然,他要追求的事,他告诉我的事,我希望他会成功。我没有,但我希望丽珊有,要幸福啊! :)) 谢谢他,在我生病时,给予支持,知道我家不是在这里,给予我安慰,知道我沮丧,给予关怀,知道我失去方向,给我一盏灯。虽然你们是友族同胞,但你的却比我成熟,比我会想。当然,我和丽珊还是一样没有烦恼的跟你和NAIM闹着玩,走路时手牵手也有,捏脸,打架,瞪对方。RAF,谢谢你! 生日快乐!! ;))
p/s: god, it is toooo obvious man! :)) go on, no harm to me! lets see when is your turn! SOOO IN MOOD! :))
学校里,不只是认识了自己的coursemates, 也有同一个department的朋友,Culinary Arts. 不要小看他们,他们的成绩是非一般的好,可是为什么他们选这科呢? 就是因为他们是跟兴趣跑,没有压力。第一次跟他们一起AA Meeting时是before field trip 的一个 briefing ,全部自我介绍。不过说真的还没有真正知道他们的名字,因为自我介绍时就只是说 '' Hiiiiii, 我是xxx, 叫我xx就可以了'' 所以我就只记得小名。
首先有Ah Boon啦,Debbie,Ah Chan,Chengcheng,Simon,Anchor,Shafri,Rickie,Marc啦,Ivan啦,还有Izumi!! 天啊,帅哥一个,典型混血帅哥,今天也一起午餐,因为Raf 跟 Naim 逃课,死鬼他们! 丽珊跟我好像花痴一样,每次一看到izumi就疯狂,哇哈哈哈!! 我们跟他讲华语他会听的,啊因为他是华裔混巫裔。可是你看到izumi笑你会跟着笑,哈哈哈哈!! 死花痴.. :)) 给 Naim 知道了结果每次看到Izumi就一直被开玩笑.. 尴尬到死。muahahah!
明天是我们的RAF生日呀! 会给他来个惊喜。当然,他要追求的事,他告诉我的事,我希望他会成功。我没有,但我希望丽珊有,要幸福啊! :)) 谢谢他,在我生病时,给予支持,知道我家不是在这里,给予我安慰,知道我沮丧,给予关怀,知道我失去方向,给我一盏灯。虽然你们是友族同胞,但你的却比我成熟,比我会想。当然,我和丽珊还是一样没有烦恼的跟你和NAIM闹着玩,走路时手牵手也有,捏脸,打架,瞪对方。RAF,谢谢你! 生日快乐!! ;))
p/s: god, it is toooo obvious man! :)) go on, no harm to me! lets see when is your turn! SOOO IN MOOD! :))
Apr 19, 2011
wheeeeeeeee. the fullest LUNCH i have ever take since i came kayL to further my studies, like seriously!! and you know what, the price of the lunch was like FREAKING REASONABLE that you wouldn't have find at outside!
let photos go on with the story :))
let photos go on with the story :))
i didn't know how to explain about this place but what i know it is a classroom restaurant that contain a kitchen for SHTCA student to do practical and running a business. so our seniors invited us to try out their meals!
My Main Course.
Chicken Ballotine with Demi Glace Sauce, Backed JacketPotatoes, SauteBroccoli, Cauliflower & Carrots. <3
Chicken Ballotine with Demi Glace Sauce, Backed JacketPotatoes, SauteBroccoli, Cauliflower & Carrots. <3
Laysan's Main Course.
FishenPapilotte with Vegetables accompanied by Noisette Potatoes, Saute FrenchBeans. <3
FishenPapilotte with Vegetables accompanied by Noisette Potatoes, Saute FrenchBeans. <3
wore what i have bought to college today since every Monday is our compulsory formal attire day. it is hot and i sweat a lot while walking to college but the worse is, I DO ENJOY. i used to imagine how would i look like when i was in a completely OL look, you know, we watch HK drama a lot. LOL since i bought a lot, i think i am facing bankrupt's problem. okay, please stop spending. :))
i wassssssssss so damn happy this morning, although i was a bit late but who cares? you know what actually i was wearing a mask. my closer friend visit me and i could not sleep well, the feel S-U-C-K! the first time in kayL, how i hope i was at home now, mommy i miss you! daddy and 2 stupid brothers i miss you! kelvin yap i miss you!! popo i miss you! yeye mama I MISS YOU!!! :(((
i wassssssssss so damn happy this morning, although i was a bit late but who cares? you know what actually i was wearing a mask. my closer friend visit me and i could not sleep well, the feel S-U-C-K! the first time in kayL, how i hope i was at home now, mommy i miss you! daddy and 2 stupid brothers i miss you! kelvin yap i miss you!! popo i miss you! yeye mama I MISS YOU!!! :(((
i love them. hell muchhhhh.
i wanna go back home, I WANONA G BACK HOME! :((
you have already disappeared in my ''recently'' list, you know how down is me?
i think you don't even care.
i think you don't even care.
Apr 17, 2011
我羡慕,我嫉妒。 我不是不要你们来,不是不想看到你们,我只是不想让你们知道我想你们,因为我知道你们会为我做更多,我不想哭,不想在你们面前哭。你看,你们突然又花了那 么多,我真的还不想搬,学费才刚还,又另外花,我替你们感到辛苦。当然,我不想你们一下子花那么,对我来讲真的很多,但我也不便多说,那是你们的选择。如 果我说不要,你们就会误会我不想你们来。
went KLCC for the pc fair yesterday. and met... erm, how to say in particularly, he is my friend and we are under School Of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts Department, so yea. hes taking culinary arts so we often meet each other in college. :))
went KLCC for the pc fair yesterday. and met... erm, how to say in particularly, he is my friend and we are under School Of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts Department, so yea. hes taking culinary arts so we often meet each other in college. :))
my dear lovely friend, RAF. honestly, i am sooooo grateful to have you guys as my classmate. initially i thought i would meet anyone who is unfriendly but you guys are not. you guys are sooo caring that i have never thought, Raf even translate the sentence into chinese for me like the pic above. Shiying, Laysan, Linda, Raf, Naim, Charmaine, i love you guys. :))
还以为我病好了,结果又一直咳咳咳!! please la....... 讲话鼻音很重.. ==''
updated at starbucks! :)
还以为我病好了,结果又一直咳咳咳!! please la....... 讲话鼻音很重.. ==''
updated at starbucks! :)
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